S01 E10 - 17th Birthday and the SATs

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Christen nodded her head.

"She has been working her ass off, using training and studying as a means to cope with all of the emotions that she currently is feeling. She overworks herself and puts up a front in front of everyone, claiming that she is fine but we all know she isn't. She deserves to unwind."

"Yeah, plus this isn't going to be like, super big. Just a bunch of close friends and people she hasn't seen in a while. We feel like she needs to be surrounded by other people aside from us for a change."

Christen's eyebrow rose when she heard Mitch say that this wasn't going to be super big.

"You sure about it not being super big?"

"I mean.... how would we define big anyway right?"


"So you free on 15?... yes it's in 2 days. YES! Thank you so much I love you. Byeee see you."

Christen looked at Michelle, waiting for her confirmation. Michelle nodded causing Christen to grin.



Mitch and Christen looked behind them to see the twins also cheering despite not knowing what happened causing the couple to giggle at how cute they both are.

"You guys are adorable."


Diana nodded at Aquila, acting like she knew what that word meant.

"Ugh, I love you girls so much. Now to call 25 more people."

And Isabella's prediction was right. They stayed there for 4 hours, planning and calling people. They even packed a bunch of snacks for the twins incase they got hungry, half of which Michelle stole.

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4 hours had passed and so far everyone has been on board. Isabella came bouncing out of the doors of the high school (everyone staring at her, as they should, at this point, she is used to the stares since people had been constantly staring at her since she was 11 because of the status of her mom (actually even before Mitch joined the team). She opened the car door and smiled at her family.

"Hellooooo I'm baaack from hell."

Christen turned around as Michelle started the car.

"How was it babes?"

"It was fine, I feel confident I will get a high score but not confident that I will get it perfect but that's fine I guess. I guess we'll find out in 2 weeks."

"I'm sure you did amazing sweetie."

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It's already the 15th and so far Isabella has not been picking up the stressed aura both her parents are goving off, especially Michelle's.

Right now Isabella is out with Bailey, Sean and Kaycee for a little birthday photoshoot and brunch before they head over to the studio for another class but this time with Matt. The 3 of them have been trying their best to distract Isabella from first, thinking about Dinah, second, stressing over her SATs and third, the surprise birthday party her Moms are arranging.


"I am super excited because a bunch of people are flying in to celebrate Izzy's 17th birthday with us." Michelle said with a huge grin on her face as she and Christen sat in front of the cameras.

The PressesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora