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Nat's POV

When I arrive at Megin's cell she is asleep. I pick up her chart to catch myself up on what is going on. Her chart says her dosage has increased since I last saw her. Last time she just laid their and looked at the ceiling the whole time. My hope is she will talk to me this time.

"How long do you think it will be until she wakes up?" I ask a guard stationed outside her cell. He shrugs.

"She isn't awake much anymore."

"Anymore? Since her dosage was increased?"

"Yeah," he says roughly.

"Why was it increased? I was supposed to be notified of any changes."

"She moved."

"She moved? She's a child, of course she would move."

"With all due respect ma'am, she is a powerful alien who is unpredictable. Our goal is to keep her stationary."

"She is nine! The drugs in her system should be more than enough to stop her powers while still allowing her to move!"

"She is responsible for the attack on New York. I lost friends in that attack, good men."

"That was not her fault. She is only a child." I'm done with this crap. I swipe my card on the cell door and enter. Megin looks peaceful when she sleeps. "Megin." I shake her softly. "Wake up." Her mouth moves slightly then her eyes snap open.

Megin's POV

"Megin," someone shakes me gently, "wake up.'"

"Go away. I'm tired." There is no response. Ugh. I open my eyes to see who is bothering me. Its Nat. I try to get her to leave again. "I'm tired. Leave me alone." Nat just looks at me before she speaks.

"I know you're probably not happy with me right now. But I need to know some things. Who is coming to get you, Megin?"

"I know you're probably not happy with me right now. But I need to know some things. Who is coming to get you, Megin?

"The Other's boss. He wants me."" I tell her. She doesn't seem to understand." "Loki's boss's boss?" I try again. She just looks at me then sighs.

"I know that you probably don't trust me, however I am trying to help. If you do not cooperate with me, I will agree to send you back to Asgard." Nat threatens.

"I am telling you what you want!" I shift my eyes frantically around the room. I don't want to return to Asgard. "Please!" I beg. Nat just shakes her head and starts to walk away. Before she exits my cell, she turns to me.

"I want you to know, I gave you the chance to help. Thor will be taking you and Loki to Asgard in a few days. You will remain here until then." She leaves.

Nat's POV

She wouldn't talk to me. She would move her mouth slightly but no sound would exit. Almost as if she was mocking me. Maybe everyone is right. She is too dangerous to stay on Earth.

Megin OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now