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I see a light forming in the gun as it powers up, ready to shoot me. The light gets closer and closer to me. At the last second, I throw up a shield around myself. The shot sends me skidding backwards. It rebounds of my shield and nearly hits the man. I start moving towards Loki.

“Stop!” He yells. He starts to reload the gun but I stop him. I clench my fist and watch as he struggles to breath. He drops the large gun he was holding.

“People need to stop hurting my family,” and I need to stop hurting people. I release him and he gasps for air.

I turn and walk towards Loki. He appears to be breathing. I pick him up using my shields and carry him into the hall. People are running everywhere. The ship we are on is sinking fast. It’s probably best we leave it now.

I push people out of the way with my shields. I cover Loki and I in the shields. No one can stop us. Loki’s body follows behind me, floating a few feet above the ground. He hits the walls when we turn and I’m not paying attention. If it wasn’t so important to leave the sinking ship now, I would probably laugh. After a few minutes, we make it to the exit point. The helicarrier is there waiting for us. A man exits it and takes Loki’s bosy into it. Another helps me into the helicarrier.

I look around the helicarrier. There is fewer people than there were earlier. Barton is not here.

“Where is Barton?” I ask to no one in particular. A few heads turn towards me.

“He didn’t return. Alot if us didn’t return,” a man from the front says. He seems to be somewhat in charge. I nod.

My thoughts shift to Thor. I hope he is ok.


We arrive at the base an hour or two after we left the sinking ship. Loki still hasn’t awaken. I’m starting to worry. Two men pick him up and start to carry him out. Loki groans. He stirs a little before yelling at the men carrying him.

“Why the hell am I in two men’s arms!” Loki struggles and tries to get out of the men’s arms. He ends up on the ground, groaning.

“Loki! You’re ok!” I exclaim, running over to him while he is laying on the ground. He groans.

“No thanks to you, darling.” He rolls his eyes at me as he sits up. “You couldn’t have put up shields when you saw the gun?” Loki stands and looks down at me.

“I’m… I’m sor…” I take a breath to collect myself. I think back to Thor and his face as he fell. Loki refusing to listen to me. “I’m no… not…” I can’t do it. I can’t tell him that I didn’t put shields up because I was angry, angry that he didn’t listen to me. I should have protected him. He is my brother, I should have protected him. “I’m sorry, Loki. I should have protected you.” Loki sighs.

“Do Loki gives me a small side hug and he leaves to make preparations.


Loki tells me that Stark Tower is the perfect place to launch the portal. Dr. Selvig is activating the portal. I watch over it. My job is to shield the portal so that no one can shut it down. I look to the sky and see something shiny coming towards me.

It is a man dressed in red and gold metal. He speaks as he flys above us. “Shut it down, Dr. Selvig.” He raises a hand at Dr. Selvig. I go to speak but the doctor beats me to it.

“It's too late! It can't stop now. He wants to show us something! A new universe.” I take that as the portal set up is done. I surround myself and the device with my shields. The metal man fires from his hand at the device. My shields absorb and release the energy. A small explosion occurs. Dr. Selvig is thrown back. I would go to help him but I must stand strong and hold the shield. He fires once more but my shield absorbs and releases it again. He stops firing and lands on the ground, close to my shield.

“You need to let me through.” He tells me. Before I can respond, Loki does. Loki has walked onto a balcony.

“Come join me, Stark. Leave my darling sister alone.” The man, Stark, looks at me. Stark raises his hand and shoots my shields over and over. Each shot causes a small explosion. Sweat drips down my neck as I struggle to hold the shield up. Loki notices. “She isn’t going to let you through. She has her job and I have mine.” I silently thank Loki. I don’t know how much longer of that I could have lasted.

Stark stops shooting. He, instead, flys up and lans on a platform.  The platform removes the man’s suit. Stark casually walks into the building. He and Loki proceed to talk.

I look to the sky and see the portal is growing in size. It won’t be long now. I hear a crash. I turn and see that Loki has thrown Stark out of the tower. He is falling fast. Suddenly armour shoots out of the building and attaches to him.

In the sky I hear war cries. I look up to see the Chitauri. It has begun.

Soon Loki’s promise will be fullfilled.

Megin OdinsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora