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Barton is with his family on their farm however, he still has cell service. I call him.

"Hey, Clint. I have some questions about when you were under Loki's control. Can you talk now?" I get straight to the point. No need for small talk when business is taking place. He glances around then nods.

"I'll be right back, honey," he tells his wife before I hear him walking onto their porch. "What's up, Nat?"

"Did Loki or Megin ever contact anyone?" He thinks for a minute.

"A lot of stuff is blurry. Loki never told me everything. I think he figured eventually you would get me back. I usually oversaw operations and led attacks, routine stuff." He laughs a little. "One time, Loki sent me away. He told me to... to... to send Megin to him and talk to, a woman. Maddie? No, uh, Maggie?"

"Molly Greene?"

"Yeah, her. He wanted... me to tell keep his sister happy. Uh, make her feel loved, something along those lines. She fought back. Said Megin should be loved as well." I nod. Everything makes sense. "I think I left before Megin returned. Not too long after her and Loki returned, something happened. I remember a... the building shaking, rushing to where Megin was, her screams."

"Hold up. She was screaming? Like she was in pain?"

"More like she was scared. She was asleep though. Loki and Molly... they calmed her down. Loki was angry at Molly. She was supposed to keep Megin happy so that whatever happened wouldn't happen."

"Do you know if this had happened before?"

"I... I don't remember. Sorry, Nat."

"Thanks for your help Clint." I end the call.

It seems Megin, when scared, loses control. I'm guessing that she was scared of whoever her and Loki met with. But who was it? Thor is taking his siblings home to Asgard in a few days. I don't have much time to figure this out. I really can't figure out why I need to know so bad, but I just feel this urge to find the truth. Only two people know the truth. Its time to try and get one to talk. I know Loki won't talk. He is too proud to admit anyone was behind the attacks other than him. But, Megin, she might talk.

Megin's POV

I've never felt so tired before. It's exhausting to even lift my head off of the metal slab. Sometimes people in white enter and give me a shot. Nat visited me a few times. I couldn't find the energy to speak. I could only watch her talk, catching every third word or so. Whatever is in those shots is strong.

The ceiling is solid metal. When I first arrived I used a little power to push against it. A dent formed but that was all I could do before they gave me my first shot and I grew tired. That feeling hasn't gone away.

I wonder where Loki is. He is probably angry that I betrayed him, I tried to let him go once he reminded me of the Other's promise but he didn't get far. I feel bad, it is all my fault. One time I tried to sit up and ask about him but I only ended up falling onto the floor, unable to get up. The guards laughed at me. I felt like the animals in the zoos Molly told me about. Unable to do anything in a glass enclosure. A person in white eventually helped me back onto the slab and they gave me a shot. I think it was stronger because I haven't have the energy to move since.

How long have I been here? Nat promised to try and help me not go back to Asgard but judging by the situation I am in now, I think its safe to say Thor will take both Loki and I back. I understand now. I am a danger to everyone. I feel my eyes grow heavy. 

Megin OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now