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I feel the Jeep slow to a stop. I open my eyes and see Barton, Erik, and Loki exit the car. Barton walks over to my door and opens it for me.

"Thank you." Barton nods.

I look around. We are stopped at a metal door, rock surrounds it. Loki walks over to the door but stops. He turns toward a little white thing in the corner. He turns back to the metal door and knocks.

"Knock, knock, knock." He says.

We stand there for a few minutes before the ground shakes beneath out feet. The door rumbles and opens. The rumbling reminds me of my stomach. I'm still hungry.

A man stands in the large doorway. Behind him many people stand with guns. The man speaks.

"This is your only warning. You are trespassing on government property. Leave now."

"Now, now. Is that anyway to treat the soon to be king of Earth" Loki teased, wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed at the face he made.

"Something funny, darling?" Loki asked me with a smirk.

"No..." I laughed.

The man in the doorway was not amused.

"Leave or else." The people behind him raise their guns.

Loki holds a hand to stop any of us behind him.

"This is your final and only warning to step aside," Loki says.

The man doesn't move. He minions for the people behind him to aim.


I put up a shield as Loki keeps walking closer and closer. The people shooting don't stop. Loki puts his scepter up to the man's heart and the man's eyes turn black.

"Hold you fire," the man states.

The people look around confused. But, stop shooting. Loki walks up to each and every person and puts the scepter to their hearts. After he is done he turns to the man in charge.

"What is your name?" Loki asks the man.

"Bob Lewis."

"Well Bob, my sister is hungry. Send someone to get her food."

Bob looks at the people standing around him.

"Greene, take the girl to get her food."

I smile at the woman, Greene. Loki remembered I was hungry. Loki must truly care for me.

Greene walks towards me and offers me her hand. I grab it.

"Keep her happy and occupied," Loki says, dismissing us.

Greene takes me to a lounge deep within the cave. I sit on a couch. Greene gives me a bag of something.

"What is this?"

"Chips. Haven't you ever had them before?" Greene reponds.

Chips. They were good. Salty and crunchy. Delicious.

"No. Loki and I are from Asgard. We don't have chips there, Greene."

"You can call me Molly. Greene is my last name. Where is Asgard? I've never heard of it," Molly asks me as she sits on the couch next to me,

I eat another chip.

"Asgard is in space. It is home for the gods. My father is in charge."

"So, your a god?" Molly seems very confused.

"Technically goddess. I'm the goddess of power and strength, Loki is the god of mischief," I explain. I was sure the people of Earth had heard of us before. Thor talked about Earth very highly. I figured they knew who he was ahead of time. Otherwise, why would they have liked him so much He can be quite the meanie.

Thor didn't really like me. He always said I was bothering him. He never let me do anything with him. Loki let me do stuff. Loki brought be to Earth so that we could rule together. He said it was the only way to get more people to love me. I really want people to love me.

"Will you be my friend? On Asgard, I don't really have many friends. Not since I accidentally blew up Thrudhiem..."

"Thrudhiem?" Molly questions.

"Our home. The home of the gods," I answer. Once Loki and I are in charge we will have to educate these people. "You never answered my question. Is that a no? I understand if it is. I'm dangerous. Father is always telling me I musn't be around others for I could hurt-"

"Yes. I would love to be your friend," Molly answers me with a smile. I smile back at her. Suddenly the door opens. Barton walks into the lounge.

"Megin, Loki wants you." He glances over at Molly. "It will be short."

I get up and walk towards the door. Molly starts to follow, but Barton hold up a hand.

"Greene is going to stay with me. Loki is waiting for you in the lab. Go straight then turn right at the end of the hall. Continue down until you see the lab on your left." I'm confused but, his harsh tone makes me not question it.

Barton turns back to Molly. I open the door and walk through. Just as the door is closing I hear Barton speak.

"We need to talk about the girl."

Megin OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now