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Nat rushes past me the second I drop the shield. I’m not surprised. It seems everyone uses me for my powers. Nat uses Loki’s scepter to break the force field around the tesseract.

“I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!” She yells to Father knows who. She continues to force the scepter through until she stops. She looks up to the portal, I follow her gaze. It looks like Stark is flying with something into the portal. I don’t know where he thinks he is going. Its a one-way trip through the portal. I watch as Stark disappears through the portal.

“Come on, Stark…” Nat mutters. After waiting a few moments, Nat pushes the scepter through the force field. Then she quikly pulls it out. The tesseract turns off and the beam to the portal shrinks fast.

Just as it is closing, something falls through. Not something. Someone. It looks like Stark. He is going really fast with no signs of stopping. I am exhausted from protecting the portal for hours yet, I feel my power begging to be let out, wanting to save Stark’s life.

I send my shields to absorb some of his speed. I’ve done enough damage. No one else needs to be hurt. Stark is slowing now, but not fast enough. I push to take away more of his speed. I reach a hand towards him. Nat looks at me startled as Stark slows to a near stop.

Stark lands on the ground softly. I drop my arm and look at him and his friends from above. Thor and another run over worried. A big green monster screams in Stark’s face. Stark sits up, startled. Nat turns to me.

“Did you slow him?” I nod a little. “You saved his life. Thank you.”

“Enough people have died because of me.” Nat only looks at me sadly.

Thor looks up to where Nat and I stand. He flys up to us.

“I’m glad you made the right choice, sister.”

“I’ve caused enough damage…” I say sadly. “I-I didn’t mean to but, I did.”

“Loki manipulated you. It is not your fault, sister.” He takes a few steps closer to me. I instinctively take a step back. Never has it ended well when I have trusted my oldest brother. I guess I can’t trust either of my brothers.

“I don’t want to go back to Asgard,” I tell Thor quietly.

“What’s that? Speak up sister.”

“I don’t want to go back to Asgard.”

“Nonsense. Asgard is our home.”

“No one wants me in Asgard. I only cause destruction.”

“You can do more than that, sister. You do not have to cause destruction. You can rebuild. You must return to Asgard with me and Loki. That is final.” He completely ignored my worries that no one wants me to return to Asgard.

“Sorry to interrupt this… moment but we aren’t finished yet,” Nat informs us. She nods toward the broken windows of Stark Tower behind us. It takes me a minute to realize that is where Loki is. Thor flys up the building a bit into the room Loki must be in.

I hesitate and stop walking. I don’t want to see him now. I betrayed him. He loves me and I betrayed him. I must have said the last bit out loud because Nat turns to me and rests a hand on my shoulder.

“He doesn’t love you. He manipulated you. None of this is your fault.” She brushes a hair out of my face. “I’ll see about you not returning to Asgard. No promises but I will talk to the others.”

“Thank you!” I tell her. I feel a little better knowing I might not have to return. The two of us continue into the building and head to Loki.

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