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Megin's POV
Molly drives us into 'the city'. All the signs call this place New York City. I call it wonderful. There is so much life. Everyone has a purpose. Molly parks and we walk into a store. A lady in there gives us a look. We must look like quite the pair. A young girl in clothes that clearly don't fit her and a woman in a suit with a gun. Molly flashes her a wad of green paper and the lady smiles and greets us.

"What can I do for you today?" She asks in a very annoying, fake voice.

"My sister here, needs some clothes." Molly says in an equally fake voice.

"Oh, well of course. I'll see what we can do." She turns and leads us to an area with clothes that appear to be my size. Although most of them are ugly. They look like clothes stuck-up people would wear. They are also not pink.

"I want pink clothes." I tell the woman.

"Lets see what we have," she replies. She grabs me a couple pink dresses. The first i sway to tight. The second is just plain ugly. But the third, the third is cute. Its not quite as stuck-up as the other dresses I have seen. I try it on and fall in love. Molly does too when she sees it.

"Oh this is beautiful on you!" She gushes. "We have to get you matching shoes!"

The woman brings us a air of cute black shoes. They are perfect. I smile and spin in the mirror. Molly pays the woman and we leave.

We go to many more stores and get many more pink clothes. We have to return to the car twice because Molly is unable to carry more bags. I could offer to use my powers to help, but Molly said that would be very suspicious. I'm scared I will lose control. After the incident that occurred during my sleep, I have yet to use my powers.

For lunch we eat at a sandwich shop. The walls are covered in maps of something called a subway. Molly said we could ride it later. I can't wait. It sounds fun.

After lunch we shop for more clothes and shoes until I am too tired to continue. We stop at an ice cream parlor and I get a delicious strawberry ice cream cone with sprinkles. We exit the parlor and everything goes wrong.

Molly and I walk down the street. It is oddly quiet. People aren't roaming the streets anymore. No cars go down. There are a few people in doorways. They wear dark clothing. Molly notices.

"Come on. We need to go. Now." She pulls me along as we quicken our pace.

Six black SUVs surround us. The people in doorways pull at guns and block the sidewalk. Molly and I are trapped. People exit the cars. All of them have guns raised. One of them speaks.

"Make no sudden movements and we will not open fire." Molly and I don't move. I'm confused. Who are these people? "Now put your hands above your head. Slowly."

I move my hands above my head slowly. Molly doesn't. She quickly moves her hand to her gun. Within seconds she is shot. I scream, my ice cream falls to the ground. I don't care. I run to her side, but she is already gone.

If only I had trusted myself to use my powers. But, I didn't and now she is dead. This is my fault.

"Stop moving this instant!" Someone yells at me. "Stand up and out your hands above your head." I stand and turn to face the cars.

"She's dead." My voice is barely above a whisper. "My friend is dead. You killed her."

"Put your hands above your head or we will open fire."

"She's dead. You killed my friend." I slowly raise my hands above my head. Then I drop them, quickly. Buildings shake. Shots are fired at me. My shields block them. They killed Molly.

They killed Molly.

I killed Molly.

I explode. My powers destroy everything near-by. All that remains is ruins of the buildings, of the cars. I did this. So I run.

How could such a good day turn this bad?

Megin OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now