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Megin's POV

I anxiously await Barton's return. The sooner he comes back, the sooner we can go get Loki. After what feels like forever, Barton walks into the lounge.

"Where's Matthew?" He asks.


"The man who is supposed to be watching you."

"Oh, him. He made me some soup, then he left. He seemed busy. When are we getting Loki?" I miss him.

"As soon as we are prepared to go. It won't be long now. Do not worry," Barton responds. I only nod.

3rd Person POV

On the jet, Tony and Steve talk amongst themselves, Natasha reports back to Director Fury and Loki sits quietly, restrained.

"Said anything?" Director Fury asks Natasha over her radio.

Natasha glances at Loki. "Not a word."

"Just get him here. We're low on time," Director Fury orders.

"I don't like it," Steve tells Tony quietly.

"What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony asks, laughing to himself.

"I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a wallop," Steve responds.

"Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?" Tony jokes.

"What?" Steve asks confused.

"It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle." Steve just looks at Tony.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in," Steve tells Tony.

"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you."

Thunder and lightning nearly hit the jet, making it shake violently. Loki stares out the window intently.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve taunts.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki replies.


Loki stands in a large glass cell. Director Fury stands by a control panel.

"In case it's unclear. You try to escape. You so much as scratch that glass" he pushes a button and a hatch below the cell opens, "Thirty thousand feet, straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?"

"It's an impressive cage. Not built, I think, for me."

"Built for something a lot stronger than you."

"Oh, I've heard." Loki looks into the camera that is in the corner of the room. Bruce, T Natasha, Steve and Thor all watch in the briefing room.

"The mindless beast, makes play he's still a man. How desperate are you, that you call upon such lost creatures to defend you?" Loki taunts.

"How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill 'cause it's fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did."

"Ooh. It burns you to come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is."

"Well, you let me know if Real Power wants a magazine or something." Fury walks off leaving Loki in his glass cell. Loki looks back at the camera, smirking.

Everyone in the briefing room watch as the screen turns black. Thor just stands there, torn apart.

"He really grows on you, doesn't he?" Banner asks, trying to break the silence.

"Loki's gonna drag this out. We still don't even know where the girl and the Tesseract are.

So, Thor, what's his play?" Steve asks.

"He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract. Wait, hold up. The girl?" Thor asks looking as Steve in surprise.

"Yeah, a young girl. Blonde hair, super powerful, besties with Loki," Steve describes. "You know her?"

"I," Thor pauses, trying to collect himself. "I didn't think Loki would bring our sister into this."

"Sister?" Natasha questions.

"Tell us everything," Director Fury orders.

Megin OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now