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3rd Person POV
The Avengers sit a conference room. Director Fury and Agent Hill are with them. They are debriefing the battle.

“So does no one else find it suspicious that Megin just let Loki go?” Nat questions.

“Loki manipulated her so that she would free him. End of discussion,” Director Fury says.

“All due respect, director, you weren’t there. I saw fear in her eyes with Loki’s words. What if someone really is going to come for her because they failed?” Nat asks. No one responds.

“We never considered that Loki wasn’t being manipulated as well,” Banner says, backing Nat up. Nat gives him a grateful smile.

“Then why wouldn’t she tell us? We gave her the chance!” Stark exclaims, frustrated.

“To be fair, we never gave her a real reason to trust us. She took her shields down in order to stop the violence, not to help us. Then we arrested her favorite brother. No offense Thor, Steve says.

“Thor what do you think?” Director Fury asks the god.

“Megin seemed truly scared. Of what, I don’t know. But whatever Loki said to her made her want to release him.”

“She apologized for forgetting ‘his’ promise. If we can figure out who ‘he’ is, maybe we can get Megin to talk to us,” Nat says. “Director, can we look into it?”

“If you think it can help us discover why the girl tried to let Loki go, Agent Romanoff, you have permission.”

Natasha’s POV
Nothing is adding up. The story should be simple: Loki was jealous his brother was to be crowned king so he trys to rule his brother’s favorite planet. However, then there is Megin. Megin is a sweet, little 9 year old. She wants to be loved so Loki manipulated her into helping them.

But, everything isn’t adding up. Megin agreed to join us. She agreed to help stop the fighting. She agreed to restrain Loki. Then Loki told her, What have you done? You have doomed us both! They will come for us! He promised! Three questions come to mind as I review his words. I write them in my notebook.

How did she doom them?
Who is coming for them?
What was the promise made?

Megin doomed them by stopping the fighting. She allowed me to close the portal. But, who is coming for them? The Chituari? It was their army they betrayed. But, Megin has immense power. I doubt she would be scared of them. And what is the promise? Megin seemed terrified when Loki reminded her of it.

I have tried asking Megin about it but she won’t trust me enough to tell me. Not that I blame her. We threw her in an impenetrable cell and druggered her so that she couldn’t use her powers. Even if she had her power, she can’t get out. Maybe Clint can help me. He was around Megin and Loki the most of anyone.

Megin OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now