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Molly's POV

Barton turns to me as Megin walks out of the door.

"We need to talk about the girl," Barton says harshly. I wait for him to say more. He doesn't.

"Ok?" What the hell is going on? Barton is just standing there, staring at me. I motion for him to talk. He doesn't. Finally, he speaks again.

"Loki wants to keep his sister happy. More specifically, Loki wants you to keep his sister happy. He has decided it is to be your responsibility." I was not expecting that. "She is the key to all his plans. Make her feel loved. Understood?"

"She's a child! She shouldn't just feel loved, she should be loved! Megin should be loved by her family! What the hell is her brother doing that is more important than Megin?"

"We obey Loki. We do not question him," Barton snaps at me.

"No one stand up for that little girl. I can tell. She doesn't know real, unconditional love. She shouldn't be used like this!" I exclaim.

"She is the goddess of strength and power. It is all of our best interests to keep her happy. You will do so. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I will keep her happy and make her feel loved." How could I deny Loki? He controls me. This is wrong. They, no thats not right now. We are using her. A child for godssake!

"Good." Barton turns and leaves. Once I am sure he is gone I let my tears fall. What the hell am I apart of?

I hear the door open. Its Megin. I quickly stand and wipe my tears away before I look at her. She looks exhausted.

"Hey, Meg," I hear myself say. I wipe away a few more tears and smile at her. "You look tired. Why don't I go get you a blanket and you can rest."

"Thanks, Molly," she responds.

How did such a wonderful little girl get stuck with a brother like Loki?

I rummage through a few cabinets before I find a blanket for her. I bring it over to her. Megin lays down on the couch. I tuck the blanket into the couch. I sit on a chair next to the couch and watch as she falls asleep. She looks so peaceful, so young.

I feel bad for her. Her future will not be hers to decide.

As she sleeps, I think of ways to keep her happy. I suppose we could explore the many labs playing hide and seek. As long as we avoid those working for Loki and their experiments or whatever the hell they are doing. I continue to think of what we could do when suddenly I am pulled from my thoughts by screaming.

"No! No! No!" Its Megin. Something is wrong. I rush to her and shake her shoulders gently. Her breathing is heavy.

"Megin! Megin! Wake up!" The room starts shaking. A cabinet bursts open and cups and bowls fall to the floor. I continue to yell for her to wake up. Multiple scientists and military officials burst into the room. Barton is in front.

"What is happening to her? The whole base is shaking!" Barton yells just as a hallway window shatters.

"I don't know. She just started screaming and then this happened!" I turn back to Megin. "Meg! Its not real! Wake up!"

Loki angrily marches into the room.

"You had one job! Keep her happy!" He yells. He turns to Megin. A light bursts. The people in the doorway and hall panic. "Calm down!" Loki yells at them. "We must be calm."

"Has this happened before?" I ask Loki. He doesn't even look at me. He kneels at Megin's side and brushes a hair out of her face. Her screaming has not stopped.

"Yes. The results were bad... Darling, I need you to calm down. Everything is ok." Slowly her screaming quiets and her breathing returns to normal. She remains asleep.

The people disperse back to whatever they were previously doing. Loki turns to leave. I grab his arm. He pulls away angrily.

"She isn't ok." I tell him. "That is not normal."

""Neither of us are normal. We never have been. Neither of us are truly accepted on Asgard. We never have been. Atleast I know why I am not. I'm the fucking god of mischief. Who would want me? But Megin, my parents were quite clear after having her that she was unwanted. Why? I guess we will never know. So, yeah. She isn't ok and she isn't normal. She has powers that can bring down a world! I, personally, would not want to be someone who faces her power's wrath. So, keep her happy."

Loki starts to storm off but I stop him again.

"Maybe it would be good if I got her out of here? Took her someplace?"

"Fine. You can take her into to the city in two days, spend the night. Just," he runs a hand through his hair, "keep her happy."

"Yes, sir."

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