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I don’t know how long it has been. I hear screaming down on the streets. Loki said only a few will have to die. So far many have died between the two of us. I do my best to block out the screaming and fighting.

Thor lands suddenly in front of me. “Megin! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it! Let me in!” He yells, slamming his hammer, Mjollnir, into my shield. Somehow I manage to not drop it. Loki then arrives.

“You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war!” Thor looks at me, disappointed as I keep the shield up.

“So be it.” He and Loki rush at each other. I can’t watch. I look away. As much as I dislike Thor, he is still my brother and my blood, I don’t want him injured. However, Loki is also my brother, he may be adopted but he cares for me. I don’t want him injured either.

Time passes slowly. I block out everything until someone runs into my shield. I jump up from my sitting spot and look at the red-haired woman. She is dressed in all black, yet she is dirty. Blood and dust cover her. She holds Loki’s scepter in one of her hands. The woman looks at me, startled.

“Megin?” She asks.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Natasha, Nat. I’m a friend of your brother, Thor. Can we talk?”

“I’m not taking the shields down.” I tell her. I told Loki I wouldn’t, this is my job. I kick some rocks around.

“Ok. I want to talk about my friend. I think you might have known her. Molly Greene?” I stop kicking the rocks. I look up at Nat in shock. “She worked for the government. She was super nice.”

“Don’t talk about her.” The shield surges a little with my anger.

“Molly just wanted you to be happy. Thats why she took you shopping. She wanted you to be happy.”

“You don’t know what your talking about.”

“You feel guilty.”

“I should have protected her,” I say quietly. “I should have protected Thor just as I should have protected Loki.” A tear runs down my cheek.

“It is not your job to protect Molly. It is not your job to protect Thor, or even Loki. They are adults. You are a child, they should protect you.” I only look at her. Every word she says contradicts Loki’s. “Look around, Megin. Innocent people are dying. You don’t want that, do you? You just want people to love you.” Still I say nothing. She’s right. “If you continue on this path, no one on Earth will love you.”

“Loki said they would. Loki said-”

“Loki lied.”

“He wouldn’t lie. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me.” Each time I say it, I believe it a little more.

“Loki is using you to rule Earth. He doesn’t love you, he loves your power. He is using you to let people die. You don’t want them to die, do you?”

“I-I-I d-don’t.” I stutter. Nat puts her hand on the shield.

“Then let me in.” I’m not supposed to. My job is to protect the portal. I have been ignoring the screams and explosions on the streets below but I can’t anymore. Nat’s words ring true. Even though I am not killing them, I am helping the army that is.

I drop the shield.

Megin OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now