"How could you just,"the Joestar's voice dropped into a hiss. "Say that? You're not embrassed? I took you for the shy and blushing type?"

Noriaki laughed, but it was humorless. JoJo could see that he had hit a nerve, and it took all of his will not to insantly begin apologizing. "You wouldn't be the first to misread my introverted tendencies as 'being shy'. I chose not to interact with people. For what's the piont - if they'll never truly understand me? Also, 'blushing type'? Hmph. You're definitely not the first there."

"Seems I'm not as good at reading you, as I am with other people."Jotaro said slowly, apologizing but in a roundabout way that was safer. Kakyoin didn't like people apologizing to him. He didn't like pity. He seemed to actually, loath it. The ravenette felt his heart do strange flips in his chest. He really couldn't read Kakyoin. Everyone else in his life, from strangers to family - he could read them pretty easily. The redhead a few feet from him, was a mystery still.  Was that why he was so drawn to him?

Kakyoin chuckled, it was real this time. "I got that a lot to. Anyway, JoJo - go in the bathroom and do your thing. I don't care. Or hell, do it right here. I promise I won't look, judge or pay attention."

For a moment the taller male was confused, and then he remembered what they had been talking about. He bit into the inside of his cheek. It was now or never. This, was going to go down as one of the craziest things he's probably ever done. Yet, if he didn't do this now: if he didn't say something- he'd lose the chance forever. And, he really, really, didn't want that to happen.

"I've tried to relax like that lately, but it just - isn't enough. At home my stressors were like, an exam or something. Now it's life or death." Jotaro closed his eyes, knowing his face was flaming. "I was thinking: since you're the only one my age...And we're a bit close - that we - you, could help me. When doing it myself, I'm still in my head. But if someone else were to take control, and well, take everything, it might actually help."

Noriaki's brows were furrowed deep upon his face. He didn't seem to understand for a fee seconds, and then it hit him. His whole face flamed up and he was almost as red as his hair as it came upon him, what the Joestar was asking. Jotaro opened one eye and was glad he didn't find disgust upon his friend's features. He smiled softly at the blush, but it fell a little as Noriaki smirked. He didn't even smile, it was a smirk.

Nothing was said.
A deep-pruple gaze fixated itself upon Jotaro, filling with the ambers of lust. With one slender finger, he gestured for the taller to join him on the bed. The taller spotted a flicker of [Hierophant] likely grabbing anything they would need, and he  blinked. This wasn't real. Noriaki hadn't just said yes, like that - could he? Testing himself he walked over trying to look as unphased as possible, which was difficult with the way Kakyoin was looking at him. He sat down on the bed, awkwardly not knowing exactly what was going to happen.  He was shaking a bit.

I have to be dreaming...things never go this well for me.

He thought, desprestly trying to find the trick. The catch. He couldn't, and when sweet-warm lips touched the skin upon his neck, he melted. Roaming hands slid up the sides of his body, until they clasped his wrists. He was slowly pushed down into the matress, his own gaze going hazy. Hot open-mouthed kisses were laid upon his neck and then, Kakyoin began to move down...

When he awoke, with his lower back and hips feeling a bit sore, but he had expected that. What he hadn't expected, was the warmth that was wrapped around him. It was far different than the heat a blanket would provide, and he could hear the gentle hum of a heartbeat beneath his ear. Jotaro smiled wistfully, letting scenes from last night okay in his head. It hadn't been at all how he expected. The man has thought Kakyoin would be rough with him, treating it as what it was: casual sex where they used each other to reach some goal. Instead, he had truly made love to the Joestar, every muscle in his body felt like it had been massaged and lossened. He felt, for the first time in a while waking up on the trip: good.

Oh, he knew he was glowing. Not only was his stress cured, though he was sure it would be back, Noriaki had been shockingly skilled last night. He had made the Joestar feel pleasure like he hadn't ever before felt it. And, gods, it felt good to wake up in someone's arms. Warm and safe. He knew this was a dangerous game he was playing, but rightly, he decided he didn't care. He liked this.

Jotaro looked up a little at Noriaki, finding he had curled himself into his chest - almost in a fetal position. The redhead looked so peaceful while he slept, almost angelic. He reached up and brushed a strand of the shorter's hair from his face. It was unfair how handsome his companion was.

"Boys!" A booming, and and voice broke the peace. "Its time to get up and go!"

The dark-haired man sighed as he heard Noriaki stirr. Guess they couldn't stay like this forever...

╙ ↘ ◈ ╰☆╮ ◈ ↙╜

Reality slammed into him. The man blinked, realizing he had been alseep. Jotaro blinked rapidly trying to clear away the memory. It was clear he was no longer in a hotel room, and definitely - no longer on a trip to Egypt. Where was he? Confused he glanced about, the dream had been so vivid. So real. He was bit disoriented. Well: not dream. Memory.

The man spotted a photo on the wall, him and a woman standing together. He was home. With his wife. He sighed deeply feeling the strange dazed state of his fade away.

"JoJo...?"the brunette that laid beside him asked softly, and she lifted up herself a bit to see him better in the dark early morning. Her husband had woken up in a start, and it scared her a bit.

"Sorry if I woke you, had a strange dream..." he mumbled to her, his voice sounded odd to him. So, much, deeper than his voice from back then. Sadder too. Marina rolled her eyes bit and ruffled his hair, as if he were a small child. It made him smile a little as she rolled over and seemed to go back to sleep. Jotaro did the same, but he laid there pondering. What had stirred that memory back up? And so vividly? He glanced at his wife. They had made love before going to bed.

That must have been it.

Jotaro chuckled darkly, and he tried to get comfortable again enough to sleep - but, he knew it would avoid him now. "Look at that, even after six years, you still own my heart..."

He sighed and stood up stretching. "Bastard."

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