16 - Sick Reality Check

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16 - Sick Reality Check

Walking back into the ranch house, Luke couldn't stop shaking from all of the adrenaline that his body was feeling.

Calum walked inside without a single word being said, leaving Luke alone in the living room by himself. After what they did together tonight, Luke didn't need to be supervised.

Luke was now wrapped up in this murderous world with Calum. Plus he'd never leave Michael behind.

During his short time alone, Luke stared down at his hands. They were covered in dark red blood.

It should be a sick reality check for Luke. One that told him that he messed up big time and that he needed to fix this in the fair and right way.

But when his eyes couldn't stop analyzing the blood on his hands in an odd type of fascination, Luke realized that he didn't want to fix this. He didn't feel like he messed up.

He didn't feel afraid. He felt strong.

Luke was himself and comfortable in his skin for once.

"How was your night?"

Luke finally looked up from his hands, seeing Calum and Ashton walking in. Ashton was focused on all of the blood that covered Luke.

It was basically everywhere. It was over his hands, splattered on his face and running down his neck, and stained over his clothes.

Luke looked like he was straight out of a horror movie while Calum only had a little amount of blood on his hands, showing Ashton that the night must have gone just as planned.

Luke did most of the dirty work only with a little help from Calum. He was released out into the murderous wild, left to enjoy the feeling of pure control.

"Hmm?" Ashton asked again when Luke didn't answer and only stared at him silently.

"I...killed her."

"I can see that."

"I killed someone..."

"How do you feel?" Ashton answered with no teasing laced in his words like he usually did. He only silently watched Luke until he answered. Ashton wanted to understand where Luke's head was at.

"I feel..." Luke trailed off as his eyes glanced between Calum and Ashton, wondering if he should just be honest.

He quickly decided. He was done with overthinking what he wanted and who he was.

"I feel alive."

Ashton grinned from this, seeing the lust for violence starting to cloud Luke's eyes. He was becoming a monster like Ashton knew he was supposed to be.

Ashton and Calum seem like evil madmen who force people into corruption and manipulation. But they knew Michael and Luke more than any of them ever thought.

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