6 - Nothing Without Us

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6 - Nothing Without Us

Things now have slightly shifted in Michael's and Luke's perspective ever since they officially met Calum and Ashton.

They knew that they were in the middle of some sort of sadistic game that the other two had came up with, leaving them as the key players.

And they had too much to lose: each other.

It had been two weeks ever since Ashton and Calum made their appearance. Ever since the certain meeting had occurred, obvious weird things have been happening.

Windows being left open, the door being unlocked, or random things like the sweets Michael adored popping up were only a few examples of the unusual events.

Luke and Michael knew that it was the other two, meaning that they were being watched. Michael was so utterly scared and paranoid now. Whenever he had to be home alone he was always on guard, being prepared and alert.

He kept the lights on and made sure everything was locked up. But Ashton and Calum always seemed to pick the locks, so deep down Michael knew that it meant nothing.

This made him even more afraid. Essentially there was no way to keep the other two out. If they wanted to get inside then they simply would come inside.

Michael had tried to talk Luke into contacting the police with this, but for some reason the blonde has been against it. And anything that Luke says goes. But Michael was getting more scared as the days passed by, and he was tired of the constant feeling.

"Luke, please." Michael basically begged his husband that was staring at him in silent anger.

"No for the hundredth time." Luke said in return with a glare as he watched Michael scowl and pace back and forth in the bedroom.

"Why not?" Michael asked angered, feeling annoyance that Luke was not listening to him and his needs. He couldn't live always in fear of their stalkers like they currently were.

"Because this is all stupid! We don't need to get the police involved." Luke sternly said, proving his point that his word was always the last call.

"But Luke I'm scared. What if they try to hurt me? What if they try to hurt you?" Michael frowned as he felt the tears start to form. He was both angered and afraid, conducting a terrible emotional state for Michael.

"They won't."

"How can you say that? Look at your face!" Michael emphasized the still slightly bruised face of Luke's from the fight he had with Calum.

"Michael." Luke said loudly, "I'm done with this conversation. We aren't calling the police or getting any 'help' with this. Help isn't needed. The two of them are just some stupid punks who are too bored with their own lives."

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