8 - Lollipop

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8 - Lollipop

"You ready?" Calum asked Ashton with his stern eyes placed right onto the domestic household in front of them.

"I thought that you told me to stop asking you dumb ass questions?" Ashton smirked when he stepped in front of Calum to send him a playful grin, "So don't do the same thing to me, baby."

"Yeah, yeah." Calum rolled his eyes before starting their path towards the front door.

Calum dug out a key from his front pocket, unlocking the front door with no effort at all. Luke and Michael obviously didn't know that they had a key to the house, but it wasn't hard for Ashton to sneak in one night to snatch Michael's key and have another one made before the pink obsessed one was even able to notice.

Lightly closing the door behind Ashton once the crazed one had entered with too much adrenaline running throughout his body, Calum wanted to get this over with quickly.

"He's in the bedroom." Calum told Ashton who only nodded silently in return.

Quietly going up the stairs, the two were both being overcome in evil excitement. They were finally taking one of the others as their own.

Stepping in front of the opened bedroom door, Ashton gave Calum a small grin before locking his eyes on the beautiful sight in front of them.

Like Luke had mentioned before about Michael's habits, the innocent one was sitting in the chair placed in front of a small desk in front of the bedroom's window with his earbuds in.

With a lollipop in his mouth and the music blasting loudly into his ears, Michael was too wrapped up in his moment of serenity to notice that he wasn't alone. He was completely zoned out as he looked out the window and was listening to his music.

Both Calum and Ashton thought that he was so pretty. Michael was nonchalantly dressed in an oversized bright pink sweater, light blue mom jeans, and pastel pink socks. Luke was a lucky man to be able to call Michael his husband.

With a devious plan hitting his thoughts, Ashton slowly walked into the room to ensure that Michael wouldn't see him. He softly placed his hands over Michael's eyes, earning a small jump of surprise from the younger one.

"Luke?" Michael asked when he felt the soft held hands over his eyes and when he felt soft lips start to kiss at his neck.

Ashton and Calum knew everything about the pair of husbands. Ashton knew that Luke was always as gentle and soft as he could be with Michael, so he played the part.

Ashton silently nodded his head yes as he kept slowly nipping at the other's skin, earning a few soft mewls from Michael.

"I'm sorry about all of the fighting." Michael apologized guiltily.

Ashton nodded again, moving his mouth to start kissing up Michael's neck and onto his cheeks.

"I love you." Michael said softly, hoping that Luke wasn't angered and annoyed at him anymore. It's been weeks now since they've been in a bad standing with each other, and he didn't like it at all.

He just missed how things were before all the scary and unsettling things started happening.

Ashton didn't remove his hands from Michael's eyes for an obvious reason when he moved at an angle that allowed him to gently grab the lollipop out of the other's mouth before he placed his lips right onto Michael's.

Michael easily accepted the kiss, thinking that it was from his forgiving Luke. With Michael's recent worried thoughts, his desperation for his husband's love, and due to his oblivious nature towards the softness of the touch, Michael had no idea that he was kissing a man that wasn't Luke.

Their lips worked slowly against each other, making Michael's heart burst from the affection supposedly from Luke. He slowly brought his hands up to hold onto Luke's, placing his smaller hands on the pair over his eyes.

But then Michael noticed something...different about the hands. They weren't as soft as Luke's and they were slightly bigger. Plus there was no ring on the ring finger.

He really should know Luke's kisses, but the one thing that Michael knew down to a hundred percent was Luke's hands. They're always holding hands; he knew the pair from the back of his head.

Suddenly pulling away and panically removing the hands from his eyes, Michael felt his eyes widen when he saw that the man in front of him defiantly wasn't Luke.

"Nice lips, baby." Ashton smirked when he pressed his pointer finger against the pink plump lips that belonged to Michael before plopping the lollipop into his own mouth.

"I-I thought that you were Luke." Michael said panically, springing up and out of his seat to make some much needed space from the smirking Ashton.

"Did you really though?"

Michael panically nodded his head. He couldn't believe that he had kissed Ashton. How was he going to tell Luke? But Michael didn't know that this was only going to be one of his smaller issues.

"Wanna' taste Calum's lips too while we're at it?" Ashton asked before motioning towards Calum who was still standing by the opened door.

Michael quickly looked before looking between them both nervously, "What do you want?"

"I think that Calum already answered that question before. Right, baby?"

"Yes." Calum answered briefly, making Ashton huff.

"Well it's time to pay up, pretty."

"Pay up?" Michael asked confused, peering into Ashton's eyes as a search for answers. But Ashton didn't answer and he instead stared right back into the pair of green eyes to get a reaction he knew he'd receive.

Ashton was right because then Michael slightly blushed and had to break the eye contact, trying to cover it up with peering towards Calum for answers instead.

"We're collecting what's ours." Calum finally answered Michael once he took a few steps into the room, making Michael even more wary, "And that's you and Luke."

"W-What?" Michael was even more confused, feeling worried when he noticed a change in Calum's and Ashton's antics.

Ashton would always tease around and Calum would nonchalantly watch it play out. Now the two were watching him and trapping him in like he was their prey.

"Luke is nothing without you...If we take you then we don't even have to deal with the hassle of taking him. He'll come running straight into our trap to get you back." Calum explained like none of this was a big deal.

Michael felt complete fear jolt his chest. They were going to take him and then they were going to take Luke. He needed to somehow get out of this and he needed to get out of this fast.

"Please, no." Michael shook his head panically as the tears strolled down, "Don't."

"Aw pretty, don't cry." Ashton cooed but his evil grin contrasted with his coaxing, "Actually please do...I wanna' taste your tears too."


What do you think about Ashton kissing Michael? 👀

Any other random thoughts for me?


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