14 - Lie

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14 - Lie

Silently scanning the area, Calum was patiently standing outside with his stern eyes planted on a certain person.

Luke instead stood next to him impatient as Calum stared out into seemingly nothing. He had no idea what it is that they were doing here, but he would endure it for Michael's safety.

Luke would do anything for Michael like he has already stated. Now he was proving it.

"We are going inside that house..." Calum started giving Luke his instructions, "Then I'm going to stab that woman in her side. You'll finish the job for me."

"What?" Luke basically shouted out when he looked at Calum ridiculously. He felt fear creep up his spine when he saw Calum meet his stare and send him a dark smirk.

Luke wasn't able to stop the other from suddenly moving from his spot and making his way towards the plain grey house placed in front of them.

"Calum, stop!" Luke yelled as he tried to stop the other from hurting this innocent woman. He sharply gripped onto Calum's wrist, trying to pull him back and away from entering the house when they were in front of the door.

Calum easily reacted by grabbing Luke and roughly pushing him against the door, towering over the blonde with a murderous rage filling his brown eyes. Luke saw the danger ahead with only Calum's glare and for once he felt afraid for himself.

Would now be the time to use his gun?

"Somebody is going to die tonight and I know that it's not going to be me. So pick, Luke. Will it be you or her?"

Luke didn't answer. Instead he remained quiet as all the fear and confusion mixed into one.

"You need to grow up and stop acting like a little bitch baby like Michael is. Michael was made to beg and to be a sweetheart. You're not. You're supposed to be the violent madmen who protects himself and his husband. And here you are shaking in my grip scared to kill one worthless woman."

"You're insane, Calum!" Luke growled out and pushed at his chest, "You're fucking crazy! You're talking about killing somebody."

"It wouldn't be the first time."

"You've killed someone before?"

"Ashton and I both have. Wanna know who our first was?" He hummed darkly, reflecting on the early days when him and Ashton started their true and honest lives of bloodshed.

Luke hesitantly nodded his head yes.

"Amanda Sten."

"W-What?" Luke asked with widened eyes, "That was you?"

"That was the best night of my life. Ashton and I had tortured her. Then we bled her out until she pathetically died in a pool of her own blood. Then I fucked Ashton into it."

"You're crazy! You know what she did to me. What she did to Michael." Luke yelled out again and quickly reached down to grab his gun. Now this was something Calum did not see coming, hence him being genuinely surprised when Luke finally had a leverage and placed the gun against Calum's head.

"And you can be crazy too, Luke." Calum tried when he met Luke's stare seemingly unbothered by the fact that there was a life threatening weapon on the brink of taking his life.

"That's not me. That's not who I am."

"It is." Calum said with gritted teeth, "You only stop yourself because society is holding you back. With Ashton and I, you can be happy with who you are. Just let go and be happy. You deserve it, Luke."

Luke didn't know what to say about all of this. Calum was being forceful and dark like always, but there was something telling Luke that he was being honest.

Calum wanted Luke to be happy. He wanted him to not only live, but to thrive.

"Why do you have that gun if this isn't who you're supposed to be? And don't tell me it's to protect Michael. You like how violence makes you feel. You want to be in charge. To be the predator, not the prey."

Calum hummed when he saw Luke continue to be stuck in a reflective quietness, "Tell me, Luke...now that I'm allowing you to be who you're meant to be are you going to take it? It's being served to you on a silver platter."

Luke steadily moved the gun away from Calum's head, taking in a deep breathe of air.

"I...I want to be myself."

"And who are you?"

"I'm Michael's husband. I'm his protector and lover."


Luke met Calum's dark stare. From there on Calum noticed his blue eyes get darker with a new found confidence in his violence. There was suddenly something being set free from the constraints of Luke's mind.

Luke had always been against this. He'd always been against Calum and Ashton because he wanted to protect Michael.

Don't get Luke wrong, he'd always love and protect Michael. Michael was his life and that would never change.

Meeting Michael when he was a kid was the best thing to happen to Luke, even if violence and pain followed it.

But there's always been something there that felt like...a lie.

Michael and Luke were lying to themselves. They weren't truly happy. They were missing something, even though they tried to act like they were the perfect couple.

They had their own imperfections as husbands because neither of them have been honest with who they truly are deep down.

It's all been a huge lie.

Luke took a deep breathe, looking at the awaiting Calum. He felt excitement bubble up instead of fear, and he felt so utterly relieved.

He was tired of being scared and afraid from society, from the truth of who he really was.

He met Calum's eyes with his now darkened blue ones, trying not to smirk as he felt everything shift into its rightful place.

"I'm a killer."



Character development? 🙈


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