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Hey loves! So I have a couple ideas for the next book I write, and I can't decide on which one I wanna go with. I'm stuck between these three so comment and let me know which is y'alls favorite!!



"Are you sure this is a good idea." He asks as all of the cars line up on the empty street.

"No." I tell him, jumping in the car.


Mia Wright is your picture perfect girl. She get's straight A's, she spends time with her sick mother in the hospital, she takes care of her little brother, she's captain of the volleyball team. Mia is brilliant in all aspects except one...she's afraid. Of course, she'd never admit it, but life scares the hell out of Mia. She's petrified of horror movies, skydiving, rollercoasters, and anything else that can scare someone.

Nate Black is the definition of an adrenaline junkie. He street races, goes cliff jumping, and only watches horror movies. He's so wild and rebellious because of this that he earned himself the title of Hartford High School's one and only bad boy.

When Mia's mother is diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, she tells her perfect daughter the only thing she ever wanted.

"Live your life."


                                                                                 Coup D'état

You wanna know what sucks? 

When your boyfriend since freshman year dumps you and your best friend since kindergarten ditches you for the popular kids.

Now, as one would do in this situation, I went to the run down gas station in my town to buy a tub of cookie dough ice cream so I could go home and cry.

Wanna know what I didn't want?

I didn't want to walk into the gas station to see my ex best friend and the other popular kids trying to get rid of a body...

Did I mention the gas station didn't even have my ice cream?


Blair Williams didn't want much in life. She wanted her best friend there forever, she wanted to be married to her high school sweetheart, and she wanted her license. That was it. Blair didn't care for much, or need it. When her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend left her, she didn't know what to do. What was the point of even having a license now?

Jack Miller was angry. He was the most popular guy at Westmont High, he could get any girl he wanted, and his family was rich. He could have anything out of life, but he still wanted more, he wanted justice in this messed up world. When he found other people that wanted more, he formed his group. His rebellion. His Coup d'état.

                                                                             Crossing the Lines

There are many lines in this world we shouldn't cross: the line between right and wrong, the line between ethics and morals, the line between love and hate...

There are many lines that are drawn out for a reason, but they're also drawn out thin, making it impossible to not slip to the other side at least once.


Hannah Hale has never been one to cross the lines. She's never desired to. When her best friend Olivia forces her to sneak into a club one night, she's already crossed the line of right and wrong. Getting caught at the wrong place at just the right time throws Hannah into a whole new world that she never knew about. A world that causes her to cross every line possible.

Ace Russo is the heir to the Sicilian Mafia. He's cold, evil, and ruthless. Most importantly, he has no problem crossing the lines. When a drug deal in America goes awry, he's forced to cross the line, and border, by kidnapping a witness and holding her hostage in Sicily.

The question is, should lines ever be crossed?

These are some of the book ideas! Comment and let me know your opinions, which is your favorite, or if you guys want something else entirely. (Be brutally honest, I promise I can take it lol) Love you guys!



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