~ The Guy

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Ethan's POV


He was right. The bastard was right and I hated it. Adam left after our conversation, leaving me alone in the waiting room. I sat there for hours, thinking. I know he's right. She wants me, but she doesn't need me. She'll be fine without me, she'll make it.

I can't be here to cause her anymore harm. I won't. All I ever do is cause conflict in her life. She almost died this time. Next time could be worse. Even if my fucked up father isn't the one to ruin things for us, something else will. Something else will and it'll be all my fault.

I love Fallon more than anything on this earth, which is why I'm going to let her go. We agreed on no more running. I'm going to run one more time, but this will be the last. This will be the last time I run because this time, I'm not coming back. This time, she won't be able to find me.

Fallon always finds me, and helps me. She always helps me and gets herself even deeper into my fucked up life. I have to actually go this time. Not just to a different part of the city, where she can find me within a few hours. This time I'm leaving New York, and I won't come back.

I finally make my way back to her room. All of the doctors had left by now and the only person in her room was Taylor, who was checking her vitals. She didn't notice me at first and I stood in the doorway, waiting patiently. She must've caught a glimpse of me, because she jumped and then quickly turned around.

"Have you been standing there like a stalker this whole time?!"

"I've just been here a few minutes."

"Oh." She sighed out.

"How is she?"

"The other guy that was in here, I don't know what he did, but he caused her heart rate to rapidly quicken and filled her with adrenaline."

"Is she okay?"

"Yes. She's stable again, but the rush of adrenaline is a sign of improvement. We believe she's close to waking up."

"Good." I sigh.

"I'll give you two some privacy." Taylor gives me a polite smile before exiting the room.

I stand there for a few moments, before finally walking in. I sit down in a chair next to her bed and just admire her, one last time. She's in a coma, yet she looks so peaceful. I know she's gonna be upset when she finds out I left, but she'll get over it with time.

"Hey, baby." I smile as if she can see me. I rest my elbows on the side of the bed and gently grab her hand, placing a light kiss on it before holding it. "I think it's very clear that you can hear now." I laugh. "That means you probably heard the doctors saying you'll wake up soon. I still need you to wake up, Fal. I need you to wake up for all the reasons I said before. I need you. I need you so bad that it's killing me...It's killing you.

"I'm not strong without you. Without you, I'm nothing. When I'm with you, though, I always put you into danger. I'm strong when I'm with you, because of how strong you are. You're so strong its insane, Fallon. You can overcome and get through anything. I know it'll be hard, on both of us, but I love you." I was trying my hardest not to cry, but I couldn't hold it back much longer.

"I love you so much that I have to let you go. I know your future. You're gonna be the best lawyer in the damn country, you're gonna have a nice house in the suburbs, married with 2 kids, hell you might even have damn dog." I laugh as the tears slowly glide down my cheeks. "You're gonna be happy. Yeah, you'll be stressed out from work, but you'll take one look at the man you love and it'll all disappear. 

"You'll be happy when your kids start to grow up, and you reminisce to them about your 20's. About the wild nights in New York City, or the lifelong friends you made. Maybe one day, you'll even tell them about me. About the guy who kissed you in the rain, had crazy adventures with you throughout the city, who you had hanging off of your every word. 

"The guy who loved you more than word's could describe. Maybe one day you'll tell them about the time we got drunk and went swimming in the fountain in Central Park. Maybe you'll tell them about the time you asked a cop to arrest us, just so you could frame our mugshots.

"You'll tell them about the guy from your 20's that you loved, but you couldn't get him to stick. He was too busy trying to fight his own demons to realize his guardian angel was right there. When he realized though, he was too late. He had already broken and hurt you too much, so he had to let you go one last time.

"You'll get everything this life has to offer for you, Fallon. Most importantly, you'll get to live it. I want nothing more, than to be the man that you grow old with, but I'm afraid you won't get that far if you're with me. I love you, Fallon. I love you so fucking much that it's killing me. I know it'll hurt baby, but you'll get through it. Spencer and Kaia will be here. You'll get through it and you'll be happy. Happy and safe, without me causing more harm. 

"I know we said no more running, but I have to run one last time. One last time and then I promise you'll never see me again. You'll never have more heartbreak or pain or stress. You'll be free, safe. I love you baby, so I have to let you go."

I stood up and leaned over, kissing her forehead. I gently pulled away and looked her over one last time. My beautiful Fallon. With that, I let go and I left. I walked out of her room, gently shutting the door. The tears stopped for now, but I knew my eyes were still puffy.

I started to make my way to the elevator when I felt someone walking beside me. I stopped and looked down at Taylor. She had a look on her face like she was worried, disappointed. I could tell she heard. She heard what I told Fallon.

"Don't do this to her." Taylor sighed.

"It's for the best. She'll be happier without me, safer."

"Or she'll be heartbroken and miserable. If you have the same effect on her that she has on you, you're gonna kill this girl."

"She's strong, she'll make it." I tell her as the elevator doors open. I step in as Taylor stays on the floor.

"Will you?"

"Goodbye Taylor." I say, right as the doors close.

"Spencer would be off soon so I have to leave fast. I need to leave before anyone finds out. I can cry and be miserable later, but now, I just have to go."

After about an hour, I get to my apartment. I quickly shower and change out of the clothes I've been wearing for the past couple of days before packing. I lay out a suitcase and just start throwing stuff in it. I don't care what I take with me, I can always buy new stuff. Right now, I just need to focus on getting out of here.

It doesn't even take an hour before I'm leaving. I walk down to the street and call a cab, leaving my car behind. One pulls over and I throw my stuff in the back before jumping in. I tell the driver to take me to JFK and, after much traffic we arrive. 

I get my stuff out of the back and make my way towards the entrance. The sun is starting to set and people are rushing around the parking lot and the building, quickly trying to get to their flights or leave the airport.

I walk inside and it's just as crowded as the outside. I had no idea where I was going to go, just that I needed to get out of New York. I didn't want to go somewhere she'd easily find me, like California. That'd be the first place she'd look.

I scan the crowd of people when I notice a familiar blonde. I walk until I'm standing next to her. It takes a minute before she finally notices me. Ally looks up at me in shock and I do my best to give her a smile. She takes her earbuds out and looks forwards as the line in front of us moves.I could tell she had a ton of questions about why I was here. She could tell that those questions weren't something I was ready to answer. My phone dings and I quickly check it.

Spencer: Fallon's awake. Where are you?!

"Where too?"

"Anywhere but here..."


This chapter took so long to write that it even made ME cry. Next chapter will be up tonight. I love you guys! Comment and Vote!

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