~ Broken Nose

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Fallon POV


I couldn't sleep when I got home, knowing Ethan was still out there. I called Talia and, luckily, Ethan somehow managed to win the fight. Apparently after he collected his money he left. She told me that and, even though it was 2 am, I went straight to his apartment. He wasn't there though. He never showed up.

I woke up in his bed the next morning, the smell of him surrounding me. For a moment, I thought he was actually there. I got up and made coffee then started thinking of all the places he could be. He wasn't home, he left the club, he wouldn't go to Ice, or work. I know he was drunk, wherever he was. If he's going through something and he isn't fighting, then he's drinking.

Ethan isn't the type to walk around the streets with a bottle of alcohol, so he'd have to be somewhere. He has to be in a bar, one where I, in particular, wouldn't find him, because he knows I'll get him to stop. I know all of the bars he goes to, but there's thousands in the city. I bet I do know someone whose been to just about all of them tho...

I quickly leave Ethan's apartment and walk across the hall, banging on the door. After 10 minutes, the door opens to reveal a half awake Dalton. Once he notices it's me, his eyes widen and he tries to close the door. Luckily I expected this and stuck my foot between the door and the wall, keeping it open. I hear him groan before he opens the door again and leans his head against it.

"Fallon, what do you want? It's 6 in the fucking morning."

"I know." I smile, cheekily. "I need your help."

"Fallon, last time you needed my help you kissed me, against my will, may I add. Let's not forget that Ethan sent me to the fucking emergency room." I rolled my eyes and shoved my way into his apartment.

"Please, we both know you would've kissed me if it weren't for Ethan. Plus, you're overdramatic, you didn't have to go to the hospital." He looked at me like I was crazy.

"I was unconscious." He shook his head and sighed, pointing at the door. "Fallon, get out. I don't want to deal with this shit this early."

"No." I cross my arms. "I need your help."


"Ethan went off the deep end. He went to the club and was there for a couple days, but left when he saw me. Nobody knows him like I do, but the only other person that knows him good, is you."

"If he left the club, and didn't come home, he probably went to a bar."

"Well no shit, I got that far on my own." Cue the eye roll. "I need help figuring out which bar."

"Well, he would try to go somewhere you can't find him." He says, thinking. "Have you tried Jimmy's Corner?" I give him a questioning look, Ethan would never go there. When he sees my reaction he nods, confidently. "He's there."

"How do you know?"

"Because Ethan's looking for four things right now: Alcohol, low-key, women, and somewhere you wouldn't look for him." He's right.

Jimmy's Corner is right around time square. We both hate time square cause it's always filled with tourist, but tourist also means a ton of women looking for a late night hook up. I've never been to Jimmy's Corner. I've heard it's a nice place, but low-key, which isn't my scene.

"Thanks..." I tell him, walking out the door, still thinking. He gives me a weird look.

"Your welcome?"

I go back to my apartment and start getting dressed. Apparently, Jimmy's Corner was pretty casual, so I threw on some white-wash jeans, a white crop top, and a flannel shirt that used to be Ethans. I added in a little gold jewelry and did some natural makeup. My hair was back to its wavy style and I just let it be.

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