~ Questions

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Spencer's POV
After cleaning up breakfast at Fal's, ally and I walk back to our apartment. As soon as we get in the door she closes it and gives me a confused look. I can tell she wants to know more about Fallon and Ethan and I sigh, rolling my eyes as I walk to the couch.

Don't get me wrong, I love my dear cousin to pieces but she gets on my last nerve with her incessant need to know everything. She sits downs next to me and looks at me, almost as if she is going to die if she doesn't get answers. I mean, don't get me wrong, Ethan and Fallon are an interesting pair that even I, myself, wonder about. Ive just learned not to question them. All I know is that they are meant for each other, even though neither of them will admit it.

"Go on, spit it out." I sigh, with an annoyed look on my face. "What do you want to know?"


"Ally, dear, I love you, but you are too nosey for your own good. Besides, even I don't know everything about them. If there's one reason I love Fal, it's because she doesn't start drama. She keeps her relationships, whether it be friends or lovers, private." Ally just rolls her eyes.

"I would've never guessed that after her little strip show after breakfast." she grumbles. I can't help but die laughing again. Sometimes Fallon can be too confident for her own good. "Just start at the beginning, Spence."

"Fine." I grumble. "As you know, I've lived here for a year. Fallon has lived here only six months longer than me. When she first moved here, she started dating this guy. I can't give you the details, that's for her to tell you, but, basically, it ended really badly.

"She was in horrible shape for weeks, and I don't think she was ever sober after they broke up. Then, one night she drunkenly stumbled into 'The Dead Rabbit'. It's this tiny little bar on Water Street where, Ethan, happens to bartend. He was working the night she came in and when she asked for a drink, he refused. He could tell she was already really drunk and tried to call her a cab but she refused. She told him that he is either going to make her a drink or she will climb over the bar and make one herself. He, once again, refused to make her a drink, guessing she was bluffing. Well I'll be damned if she didn't actually climb over the bar and make herself a drink." I pause, laughing at my bestie's silly antics. Ally also couldn't help but laugh.

"Why does that not surprise me?" she questioned, still laughing. All I could do was shrug, before going back to the story.

"Anyways, Ethan was pissed, but he wasn't going to let her leave the bar like that. He took her back around and sat her on a barstool. He wouldn't let her leave until he got off. He took her back to her apartment and saw that it was a total wreck. He sat and talked with her, seeing as that was the only way to keep her from reaching for a bottle, until she fell asleep. He then cleaned her whole apartment and threw away all of the alcohol. To say she was pissed when she woke up would be an understatement. But he didn't care. He had a past that caused him to drink heavily too, and he knew that wasn't a way to live. No matter how much she hated it at first, he stayed with her and helped her sober up and get better. She still has a past that haunts her but, when it does, he is always there to help her chase away the monsters.

"Now, I know how you are and I know you think it sounds like she is just a charity case to him." I say, giving Ally a scrutinizing look.

"I mean, that is what it sounds like..." she trails off.

"It was more than that." I say. "Yes, Ethan helped her, but she also helped him. Like I said, he also has a past. Fallon managed to get through his walls and get him to tell her about his past. Ethan, too, has his moments where his past haunts him. He gets these fits of anger, they're so bad that if you try to touch him while he's in this state, he will literally try to kill you, almost as if he's a rabid animal. When he's like that, Fallon is the only one capable of getting through to him. They've been friends every sense then."

"What happened in his past?"

"That's something that even I don't know. Ethan and I are friends, but not close enough to share stuff like that. I have had an 'Ally moment' before and been nosey enough to ask Fallon about it, but she wouldn't tell me. No matter how much I hated that she wouldn't tell me, I had to respect it." Ally just nods her head in understanding.

"Wait, so when did they start dating?" she questions.

"They're not." I state simply. she gives me a look of shock.

"But last night at the club you told me 'he belongs to her'."

"Yes, because he does. Even though they aren't dating, they are still 'each others' in a sense. I don't really know how to explain it." I tell her, almost as confused as she is.

"Well if they aren't dating then what are they?"

"Friends with benefits."

"What?" she questions. I smirk, oh this is going to be fun. If there's one thing I love, it is chipping away at my dear cousins innocence.

"Friends with benefits. It's when two friends don't want a relationship, so they just fuck." I state. she immediately turns red with embarrassment.

"Wait but if they are just having sex then why can't I go for him?" she questions. Goodness she will not let this go. I should have lied and just told her they were dating, but she would have figured out they weren't. They don't act like they are dating, just best friends. Fallon doesn't call him babe, she calls Ethan 'dude'. They just aren't lovey dovey like an actual couple. I sigh, regretting what I'm about to say.

"Technically, you can..." I trail off. "But I would not recommend it."

"Why not?"

"Well, Ethan has a reputation. I love the guy, but his relationships never last more than a week before he goes running back to Fallon. He normally just sleeps with Fallon or has one night stands. Plus, if you do try to go after him, you'll have Fallon to worry about, and that is not something I would wish on many people." I state, hoping I can keep her from trying to throw herself into a big mess.

"I thought you said Fallon was, like, one of the nicest people on earth. Why would I have to worry about her?"

"Ugh, this is so confusing. So, one of the reasons that Ethan always comes back to Fallon, is because they play games. Like last night, girls were all over Ethan when we walked in, because he knew it would get Fallon's attention."

"So what, she just gets really jealous?"

"No, Fallon doesn't get jealous." I laugh. "You can't be jealous over something you already have. Fallon gets territorial. Whether she makes a show of leaving with him, or marks his neck full of hickey's on the dance floor, people know who he belongs to. He is the same way with her, if not worse."

"Wait I'm lost..." she trails off. Believe me, with them it's easy to get lost.

"If you try to go after Ethan, he will go along with it, because he knows it'll get Fallon's attention. Regardless of that, if you somehow to get him away from Fallon, I'm scared to see the outcome. I don't know if Fallon would fall apart, and even if she did, she wouldn't show it. I have seen what it is like for Fallon to hate someone though, you can't be the queen bee by just being nice. She can be the nicest person on earth, but if you get on her bad side, that bitch will make hell look like heaven." When I said the Ally paled a little.

She knew. From the moment she saw Fallon walk into the club last night she knew. Fallon is not a bitch to mess with. Yet I also know how determined Ally can be when she wants something. I love Ally, but I'm afraid she's about to turn our world upside down.


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