~ Familiar Faces

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Ethan's POV


It's been two long, excruciating months.

I didn't know where to go when I was leaving the airport, so I decided to go with Ally. She was going home to Texas. I was happy when Ally and I were together, but I don't think it'll work out that way again. There's only one person I'll ever be happy with.

We got into Houston Texas late that night. I didn't have anywhere to stay, so went to Ally's parents place. They lived in a house in the suburbs, just outside of the city. I'm not gonna lie and say meeting her parents wasn't awkward, because it definitely was. We told them we weren't together, but her father looked like he wanted to shoot me and her mother looked like she was picturing our wedding.

Ever since Fallon woke up, she was calling me nonstop. I'm not sure if I was just ignoring how I felt, but when she left a voicemail, it hit me. It hit me hard. Ally's parents let me crash on the couch and it took everything in me to not break down.

"Ethan, I'm awake." I could hear the tears in her voice. "I'm awake but I feel like I'm in a nightmare. I don't know what happened, if you were afraid or angry. Please, baby. Please just come home. I need you and I don't know if I can make it without you. I love you..."

That voicemail didn't just break me, it shattered me. Ally and her parents were already asleep, but they all could tell the next morning. I didn't get any sleep that night. It took everything in me to not go to her fathers liquor cabinet. 

That morning her mother kept asking me what was wrong but I just politely deflected the conversation. I asked Ally where the closest phone store was. I needed to change my number. Not because Fallon kept calling, but because I was afraid I would call her.

I changed my number and immediately started looking for apartments in Houston. I didn't plan on crashing at Ally's for long, plus I didn't feel comfortable letting loose like I needed to around them, around anyone.

I found an apartment by the end of the week, and I haven't been sober since then. It was in the city and had a pretty decent view. It was also much bigger than my apartment in New York. It, luckily, came with furniture so I didn't have to buy any.

After living here for around a month, Ally and I drifted. She kept trying to convince me things were okay and we could be together again. Things weren't okay anymore though, not without Fallon. I also didn't want to be with her. Fallon may not be here, but I couldn't do that to her. I've done enough damage to her.

It didn't take long for me to start sleeping with other people. I wanted to fill the hole in my heart, even though, deep down, I knew it wouldn't work. I was bringing home different girls every night. I've only ever brought one home twice, but it was just because I forgot we already slept together. It took me a while before I noticed the pattern. I had plenty of gorgeous blondes hit on me, but I only ever brought home the brown eyed brunettes, because they looked like her.

I also wasn't keeping up with myself anymore. I haven't grown a full beard, but I had a little stubble. I haven't been working out so my muscles aren't as defined, and I've lost some weight because I hardly ever eat. All I ever do now is drink, smoke, or fuck around with random girls.

Currently, I was on my balcony smoking a cigarette when I got an unexpected call. Ally. She checked in on me a week or two ago, but I haven't talked to her since. I was going to ignore it, but figured I would see what she wants instead. I picked up on the last ring.


"Hey, Ethan." She sighed. She didn't seem happy and cheery like usual.

"Everything okay?"

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