~ Boyfriend

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Ally's POV


This past week has been heaven. Apparently Ethan and Fallon got in a huge fight and haven't been talking. Kaia and Spencer have decided to take Fallon's side for some reason, she was probably the one that caused the fight, anyways. Since they've all been ignoring Ethan, he's been spending time with me. We hung out a few times at his apartment and even went to 'Ice' one night. He's even started flirting with me. 

We've spent almost the whole week together and I would even hang out with him while he was working. When it came time for us to leave to go to the Hamptons, Ethan, though he didn't say it in front of the others, wanted me to ride with him. He was a good driver...as long as his eyes were open. 

When we got here Fallon, for some psychotic reason, was being nice to me, so I went with her to the store. Ethan was a good driver but I'm legitimately sure Fallon was trying to make us wreck. When we got back, Ethan grilled some steaks while I watched, sipping on a glass of wine. I couldn't help but wonder if this would be Ethan and I's future when we got married. Him grilling, me drinking wine, maybe even a few kids running around in the yard.

Other than making plans for Saturday, dinner was pretty quiet. I don't think I was the only one that felt the awkward tension because Fallon went to bed as soon as she finished, followed by Kaia, and Spencer a few minutes after. They left Ethan and I so we could have some alone time to ourselves. 

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" I ask, talking about our beach plans.

"Do I get to see you in a bikini?" he smirked.

"Maybe...Maybe less if you're lucky." I wink.

"Well then I hope luck is on my side tomorrow." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, hopefully Fallon won't be a buzzkill." I sigh. His happy smile immediately is wiped off his face and his look fills with something, pain and sadness. I roll my eyes. Clearly she's already being a buzzkill.  "Hey, don't worry about her, or the others for that matter. If they're all going to be assholes then we can have our own fun."

"Yeah, you're right." he sighs, swirling the beer left in his bottle. He downs the rest then stands up. "Im probably gonna head up too."

"Yeah, me too." We walk inside and Ethan shuts off all the lights and locks the doors. Weirdo. We're on the beach does he seriously expect someone to break in? We walk up the stairs and go our separate ways to our rooms. I lay down and immediately drift to sleep, dreaming of a curly headed brunette with blue-green eyes.

I wake up around seven and head downstairs. I see Ethan on the balcony and pour myself a cup of coffee before joining him. He's leaning against the balcony with a cup of coffee in his hands, staring off at the beach. He hasn't brushed his hair and it looks so curly and messy. I would kill to be able to wake up next to him every morning.

"Good morning." I smile at him. He finally diverts his attention from the ocean and looks at me.


"It's beautiful today."

"Yeah, it's always beautiful here."

"You've been here before?" he sighs at my question.

"Just once, with Fallon."

"Oh." Is all I can say.

"Hey guys." Spencer smiles, poking his head out from inside. "We're about to head to the beach, just gotta wake up Kaia."

"Okay." I smile back as he closes the door. "I'm gonna go get ready." I tell Ethan, before heading inside. I run up to my room and throw on the cutest bikini I own. I did some light, waterproof makeup and threw on one of my shirts and some jean shorts. 

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