~ White Rose

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Fallon's POV


I didn't let anymore tears fall until I got back to the house. I couldn't. I had to be strong. As soon as I got inside, Spencer was upstairs tending to Ally's injuries, but Kaia was in the kitchen. She looked at me and she knew. She knew I ended it. I immediately fell to the ground. 

I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't hold myself together. There's times when you need to be strong, but there's also times when you need to be able to break, and I've been strong for so long...

I couldn't think, I couldn't move, I could barely breathe. Kaia slowly walked over to me. She didn't touch me, she knew better. Times when I break down this bad, when I'm this hysterical, only one person can touch me. But now he's out of reach.

Kaia sits on the ground next to me. She sits and comforts me from a distance. I try to stop the tears, I try to control my breathing. It feels like hours before I finally calm down. Once I do, Kaia looks at me with a cautious look. I nod to her, letting her know I'm okay, and she immediately pulls me into a hug. I cry on her shoulder as she just rubs my back. She finally convinces me to go upstairs and sleep. 

We slowly walk upstairs and she pulls me into her room. She gives me some clothes to change into and we both lay in her bed. We sit there in silence as I let more tears fall down my face and onto the pillow. I finally get them to stop, right as Kaia drifts off to sleep. I can't sleep though. I can't sleep because I hear him. I hear him shuffling glasses and drinking the bottle of whiskey I bought at the store yesterday.

I want to go to him. I want to go to him so bad. I want to tell him to forget everything I said and to just stay with me. Choose me. I was so close to doing it too. I got out of the bed and had my hand on the handle. Then I heard her door open. Ally went to him. And I had to let her. He doesn't belong to me. He never did. I lay back down in the bed and try to will myself to go to sleep, but I barely sleep at all.

I wake up at, of course, 6:00, and start getting ready. I change into leggings and a hoodie, then pack the rest of my stuff and make my way downstairs. I regret it the second I do. Spencer is in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee and staring at the couch. The couch where Ally and Ethan are sleeping, cuddled up together. 

"Fallon..." Spencer looks at me with sadness and guilt. I do my best to muster up a smile, but it doesn't work at all. 

"It's okay, Spence. We ended things last night." Spencer drops his mug, shocked. This causes, both, Ethan and Ally to wake up. They both look to Spencer and I.

"Sorry." Spencer tells them. "You guys should probably get up and pack, we're leaving in about an hour." Ally nods and gets up to go upstairs, but Ethan doesn't move. He just continues to look at me. He looks like a wreck. His hair is a mess, his eyes are read, he looks like he's still a little drunk as well. 

He looks away and puts his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake up. I sigh and walk over to the coffee pot, making us both a cup and taking his over to him. He looks up at me and grabs it.

"Thanks." I nod and start to walk off but he grabs my wrist. "Fallon?" I turn back to look at him. "I'm still drunk." He tells me, slurring, and stating the obvious. "Can you drive home? I don't want anyone else driving my car." I sigh. I really don't want to be trapped in a car with him for three hours right now, but I know he loves that car. Maybe I need to anyways, we're still friends after all.

"sure." I smile gently. 

Everyone gets ready and we leave by 9:30. We put all of our stuff in the back of Spencer's jeep and Ally follows Ethan to his car while I lock the house up. I finally finish and walk to Ethan's car as well.

"Ally, you're with Spence."

"Like hell I am letting you ride with him." Ethan said nothing, clearly still out of it.

"He's still drunk and he can't drive, and you can't drive his car." She dramatically rolls her eyes.

"If he was sober he would let me. He doesn't want to ride with you."

"Ally, look, I'm done with the games." I sigh. "If Ethan wants to be with you, then you guys are more than welcome to get together, but he asked me to drive him home. Besides, can you even drive a stick shift?" At that she freezes. She didn't realize that his car wasn't automatic. It's one of the reasons why he doesn't let many people drive it, cause most can't drive a stick shift and if they can, they suck at it. I suck at driving in general, but I do know how to work a stick shift.

Ally finally gives up and grumpily stomps towards Spencer's jeep. Ethan and I get in his car while the others get in the jeep and we start our long way home. The ride was quiet the whole time, other than the radio. I was focused on the road and Ethan was trying to sleep off the alcohol. 

It ended up taking us four hours with traffic, but we finally got home. I went to Ethan's apartment while the others went to ours. I parked his car in the garage and gently woke him up. He woke up and we said a quick, awkward goodbye, before he went to his apartment and I headed to mine.

When I got to my apartment, I picked up my bag that Spencer had laid outside of my door and unlocked it before going in. It looked the same as I left it. Home. I knew I needed to unpack and catch up on some work, but all I wanted to do right now was relax. I think that vacation was the most un-relaxing vacation known to man. 

I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water before walking to my room to get my laptop. I walked into my room and looked at my neatly made bed. When I looked at my nightstand, though, I dropped the glass. I dropped it because on my nightstand was a letter, and on top of it was a white rose.

I love red roses. They're not my favorite flower, but they always make me think of romance and cliches, and who doesn't love a good cliche? White roses though, I hate white roses, despise them. Not because of the flower itself, but because of the only person that ever gave me white roses. Adam.

Adam was my ex, the first man I ever dated when I moved to New York. The first man, I thought, I loved. It wasn't love. It was lies and manipulation. Beatings. Beatings for things that weren't my fault, or small mistakes blown out of proportion, or because he just felt like it. Beatings that he thought were "forgiven" each time he gave me a white rose.

I shakily walk towards my nightstand and pick up the white flower. It was fresh. It hasn't been sitting here for days. He put this here today. I grab the letter and pick it up slowly, tears already coming to my eyes. We haven't talked in almost a year. There is absolutely no reason for him doing this to me. I carefully open the letter and begin to read it.

Hello my darling,

It's been quite a while since we caught up. I came to talk to you but you seem to have gone out of town. I want to meet. I have made us reservations for Thursday night at 'La Grenouille', your favorite restaurant. I'm expecting you at 7:00. I would tell you to dress appropriately, but I think that's one thing we both know you always do perfect. See you soon.

                                                                                                                                                                             Love, Adam          P.S.

Leave you're little fucktoy behind. I want you all to myself on Thursday. Keep our little date a secret for now. We both know what I'm capable of and I'd hate to see poor Ethan or the others caught as collateral in our reunion. XOXO

I drop the rose and the letter and cover my mouth with my hands. He was here. He was in my fucking apartment. He tried to make the letter seem sweet and romantic. But I know Adam, and I know what he meant. When he says 'collateral'...he means dead.


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