Chapter 40: I am here. I am with you

Start from the beginning

For a moment, just for a brief moment, an insignificant moment, she looked into her boyfriend's eyes and saw real fear. This time, he wasn't fooled by the fact that they were playing now, that they were just presenting a piece of information to Potter and his little friends. This time she understood. She understood what all this exhortation was to do nothing.

Cassie took a step back, realizing what that fear really meant.

"I am going to doit," she said. This time for real. "I am not scared of him."


She had no idea what she was supposed to do when professor Slughorn invited her, Daphne and Kol to his compartment for lunch. Before they left she had turned to her cousin. Draco had shaken his head, smiling, "Better for the plan, Cassie. Don't worry about me."

But one of them had to worry. Most of the times it was Kol, but this whole plan was her idea...

She felt Daphne touching her hand. "Everything will be just fine."

"How are you always so sure?" Cassie smiled. "We have never seen..."

"We have." Daphne looked at Kol who was walking a meter or two in front of them. As fast as always. "The last three years. It'll be hard. But we have to believe that we are going to make it out alive."

"And what if we die?"

Daphne looked at Kol again. "Then we die together." She smiled. "Is dying part of your plan?"

Cassie looked at her best friend. She knew that if she told Daphne something, whatever it was, she would keep it in secret. So would she if Daphne told her a secret. That was a promise between them. Ever since the day they decided that they were going to be friends.

But right now Cassie just couldn't.

How in the Earth's sake she was supposed to look at her best friend that she was planning her own death because of her father's? Because she knew that Sirius needed her.

For the last three months the pendant had been shining more often than ever. I need a hug. I need a talk. I need a hug. I need a hug... Cassie assumed that the pendant shone because there was still some part of Sirius that was living somewhere. After all the pendant was attached to the spirit as well as it was to the body.

He needed her and as soon as the war was over, as soon as both Voldemort and Potter were death, Cassie was going to her father, to her grandmother and her uncle.

"Then what about the Black line? If you die without an heir, it will disappear," Daphne said. "You are a member of the..."

"I know. I have taken care of that. There is going to be another Black, don't worry about this."

Daphne froze. "That's what you have spoken with Bella about, isn't it?"

Cassie nodded.

Bellatrix had been so helpful the last months so Cassie decided to ask her for one last thing. Bella had agreed to have sex with Voldemort only for the sake of her house and the long lost ambition to please him. And at the end of July everything had begun.

Cassiopea had ordered the Dark Lord to have sex with her aunt until she gets pregnant. At the end of August there was no baby so Cassie had asked Voldemort if there was something wrong with him. He hadn't answered, but Bella had continued with her so called mission.

"I told you," Cassie had said one night, "if you don't want to..."

"Everything for my family. Plus the child will be the next Heir of Slytherin. It will be powerful."

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