S01 E06 - Tour, Dance Lessons and Reunions

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Isabella puts the phone down and got up to go to the bathroom to prepare for her morning work-out before having to drive to the studio. She changed into a different sports bra and shorts before going down to their home gym.

Christen, on the other hand, went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her and her children since Michelle wasn't here and she was usually the one cooking for them. She just made grilled cheese for both her and Isabella and prepared the bottles for the twins.

She heard someone coming down so she turned around to see Isabella all dressed up, with Aquila and Diana clinging onto her, also already dressed, the two of them wearing very similar clothes. Christen cooed at the hairstyle of the twins, being in cute space buns. 

Her eyes went over her eldest daughter's outfit. She was wearing a black crop top, showing off her stomach area, and black leggings topped by a black leather jacket. She for sure got her style from her mom and Christen was not complaining.

"Your outfit is missing something."

Isabella gave Christen a questioning look while she put the twins down on their highchair. She took a bite out of her grilled cheese sandwich and looked back at her Mama, curiosity clear on her face as her eyebrows met in the middle as she chewed on the food in her mouth.

"What? Do I have to tie my hair up of something?"

"No, you need sunglasses, the not we bought last week. Also more highlighter. I could put it for you, just bring it to me."

Isabella eagerly nodded her head and rushed up to her room to brush her teeth and to get the highlighter. When she arrived back down, she gave it to Christen and she applied it more on Isabella's cheekbones, chin, and forehead. She leaned back and admired her work before giving her the nod. Isabella always loved it when one of her moms would put makeup on her and she would immediately jump into the chance of them doing so.

"Annnd you're all ready to go. You here for lunch?"

"Probably not, knowing them, they would drag me somewhere and make me drive and stuff."

"Okay, make sure your provisional license is with you and please wear your seatbelt."

"Yes Ma, I'm a responsible driver, I promise."

Isabella leaned in and kiss her cheek before rushing out of the house, grabbing the keys to the Volkswagen Golf GTI on her way out. It's the new car Volkwagen gave them this year, which is technically Christen's car but they usually use the Jeep or the van since they would travel by packs. Checking if she had everything then sending a quick text to Michelle saying that she is leaving, she started the car and made her way towards the studio.

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Michelle entered the conference room with a smile on her face, seeing the management and her manager already in there.  She sat down beside Mark and in front of Santana, who gave the soccer player a smirk, before going straight to business.

"Okay so we have a few people that are willing to go to tour with you and you get to choose who will open up for you."

"Will it just be around the US or something?"

"Or something. Of course, we will start off around the United States then Canada and we will expand. You get to choose also who you want to open for your tour."

Michelle hummed and nodded her head, her eyes scanning through the different names on the list, her eyes catching one particular artist.

"She's the one Isabella listens to all the time."

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