"You look beautiful." he takes a step forward. "You don't look to bad yourself, buddy." I smile, patting his shoulders. He raises and eyebrow.

"Shall we leave, bitches." Lucas says, smiling while coming into view. All of our heads turn in his direction "Yeah, let's go." Michael  says before I go out the front door and spot a limbo waiting for our arrival.

The driver gets out and opens the door as I hold my dress before getting inside, Mia following. Lucas follows, Elena being next, and finally Michael.

"It's a full house." Lucas takes out his handkerchief before fanning himself with it. Mia playfully nudges him and that's when I look at Michael. He does not look impressed, staring at Mia.

My body sinks into the seat as the vehicle starts and I take a look around the immaculate... car? I had never been in a limbo so I found it pretty V.I.P.

I spot an area with glasses and alcohol. "No way, there's like champagne classes and stuff." I unbelively laugh, staring at the glassware.

I go to grab one but the car jolts to a stop as I crash into the little area, everyone shifting a little. 

"Oops-" I whisper holding up a broken glass. "No way you just did that." Lucas' eyes widen. "Your going to have to pay for it." He finishes.

"Huh- I didn't even-" I start, my brows furrowing. "Relax, I'm kidding." A small 'im so cool dude' smile forms on his lips.

"You have the worst humor." I point at him. "Learnt it from you." He brushes his teeth with his tongue with the same smile on his face. "At least I've had one my entire life." I stick out my tongue.

"Sei qui, capo" The driver slides open an area to reveal himself from the driver's seat. (You're here, boss.)

Michael reaches in his pocket and takes out what I can make out to be a hundred dollar bill. "Grazie mille." (Thanks alot.)

My body leaves the now warm seat as I make my way out, savouring the evening breeze. Infront, stands a large white building. It looks like the ones in you would find in ancient greece with the pillars on the side.

Michael and I proceed our way inside. "Stay close to me, don't go anywhere, and if someone talks to you, don't sound suspicious." He whispers. 

"Good evening, Mr. Russo! So nice to see you." An old man in a rich suit smiles as he approaches us. Michael smiles at him and they have a brief conversation before the man gestures our entrance.

The stench of different colognes and perfumes combined, enters my nostrils as I try not to faint from the over intensification. 

Michael leans closer to me. "Remember, these people have a lot of power and all of them have guns, so don't do anything stupid." 

so, of course I was gonna do everything stupid.

I feel everyone's gaze on us as they stop with their activities to look at us walking. "Everyone's staring at us." I mutter while I overly crack my knuckles, an old habit I have when I get nervous.

I feel Michael slip his hand into mine. He gives mine a reassuring squeeze as he still looked forward and walked confidently as ever.

"Good evening, Michael." Another old man in an expensive looking suit holding a glass of alcohol comes in our direction. "Mr. Ivanov." Michael smiles. I could tell it was a fake smile. One where your eyes don't squint and you look like a doll.

"Hello, Cora." He turns to me.

and how does he know me?

"Sup- I mean, good evening, Mr... Mr." I begin. "Ivanov." He finishes, flashing his yellow, crooked teeth. 

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