S01 E05 - 100 Goals, Anniversary and Babysitting Duties

Start from the beginning

Christen let them in, the two soccer players having a bounce in their step.

"Mitch and I would be leaving in 30 minutes. I gave you a list of the things you have to make sure you do, but Isabella is here so she could help you both with everything. The twins are still taking a nap so you have like an hour before they wake up."

"We got this Chris, go finish doing your hair."

Christen looked at them warily.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Christen, now go."

"Fine, but Isabella is walking Bambi so she's going to arrive in a few minutes."

They sat on the couch, scrolling through their Instagram while waiting for Isabella and for further instructions when the door opened. In came Isabella, who was sweaty in her sports bra and shorts showing off her 6 packs, her AirPods in her ear. She was still holding Bambi's leash and it looked like she didn't notice her teammates on the couch.

Her head turned, only to see both Emily and Rose staring at her abdomen but she just ignored it and smiled at them.


"People had been staring at my abdomen area, even when I was running with Bambi and I don't get why ya know, have you seen my Mom's?"


"Damnnn those guns and abs though."

Isabella rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"Oh hey guys, since when have you guys been here?"

"Just a few minutes."

Michelle and Christen came down, wearing casual clothes and holding a bag. They smiled at the three younger girls and went over to kiss Isabella's forehead and hugged the two girls on the couch.

"We're leaving now, the list of things is on the counter. We're coming back at around dinner time."

They nodded their heads and watched as the married couple walked over to their car outside. They looked at each other before Isabella bent down to remove the leash from Bambi.

"I'm just going to take a shower."

They nodded their heads and watched Isabella go up the stairs. Emily and Rose looked at each other before rushing towards Bambi who loved the additional attention.

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"For our anniversary, Mitch and I thought that we could just spend like the majority of the time on the beach since it has been a while and just have brunch on the restaurants by the shoreline and then we're going on a Walmart run since we are running low on supplies then buy some dinner for everyone on our way home."

Mitch smiled at Christen as she squeezed her hand, which rested on her lap.

"I'm actually super excited. I get to put on my bikini after so long."

Christen's cheeks redden at the thought of her wife in a bikini.

"And.... I just can't wait."

Mitch raised an eyebrow and gave her wife a suggestive look.

"For the beach or me in a bikini?"


"Of course."


Christen set the camera up since they were going to do everything vlog style. Christen gave the camera a cute wave before sitting back down in her seat as Michelle started the car.

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