[30] ✽ Fervent Agony ✽

Start from the beginning

You regretted saying such stuff to Sora and almost facepalmed, wishing your friend never woke up in the first place. She giggled from behind and you raised a brow at her.

"What happened?"

She giggled again, "Yoongi just texted because he was worried and asked if I want him to pick me up right now."

You rolled your eyes at how excited she sounded. Was having a lover this exciting? You would never know.

"Well then text him that he can wait for you at my house because we are heading there right now."

"Okay!" Sora responded enthusiastically and typed away into her phone.

"We are almost there," Seokjin muttered under his breath and you were grateful that this ride was about to be over.

He must be feeling uneasy with such a weird situation he faced today and you didn't want to let it increase. Within five more minutes, you noticed that your neighbourhood was near.

Seokjin was focused on driving, expertly steering the wheel which brought you some old memories.

You quietly glanced at your boss who was calmly driving the car next to you. You wondered why he never kept a driver or allowed anyone to drive for him except himself.

Did he like driving that much?

"I feel safe." He replied, still looking ahead.

"What?" You asked, amazed at how Jungkook read your mind.

"I always drive by myself because I feel safe. I..did not have a good experience when I was young."

"I see."

You bit your inner cheek as you shifted your gaze outside the window towards the moving cars around you. But inside you had a lot of questions bothering you.

Did something bad happen to him when he was young? If it was his secret then why did he tell you about it since you never asked? That too he hesitated, meaning he is not ready to open up to anyone yet, was he?

You glanced back at your boss again, this time pity filling your heart. He is always cold and distant but he can be kind sometimes. If he shared this little piece of information with you, it means that he was starting to trust you. Maybe not fully but slow progress was also good.

"Thank you, sir."

"For what?" He asked, glancing at you in confusion.

"For trusting me enough to say about your insecurity. I know it's not easy."

Jungkook gripped the wheel tighter as he avoided any eye contact with you. After a few minutes of silence, he asked.

"But how can you know I trust you? I did not even say the whole truth."

"You don't have to sir. Maybe not fully but at least you consider me capable enough to know one of your insecurity. That's also a big thing for me. I just want you to know that its okay, not everyone is perfect and that you can tell me anything. I will always be here to listen and comfort you."


You looked at the owner of the voice, sniffing when you felt something tickling your nose. It was your tears.


Seokjin looked at you in concern, "I said do you want me to keep driving ahead or will you get off from this place?"

You looked out to see the supermarket, realising this was the place Seokjin had dropped you off because you did not tell him your real address yet.

"Are you okay?" His voice was quiet but you heard it and shook your head.

"Just drive ahead."

Not in the mood for any talk you looked away, trying to hide the tears which rolled down your cheeks with the memory you just remembered about your boss.

Perhaps such friendship was never meant for you or Jungkook. Seokjin thankfully kept quiet and drove for a few more minutes, stopping in front of your house when you informed him.

If he did a background check on me, how does he not know my address? Maybe not to be suspicious.

"We are here." You nodded and got out of the warm car, the chill air greeting your bare arms.

Sora also got out groggily, muttering something under her breath. Though you wanted to run inside, you had to thank him so you headed towards his side.

"Thank you...for the ride."

"It was my pleasure Yuna."

You nodded, ready to leave but his voice stopped you.

"Why were you crying?"

Crap, he indeed caught you.

You only shook your head, muttering something before leaving him, "Good night Seokjin."

With a sigh, he started his car and drove away in the dark making you sigh. On the porch was Sora with crossed arms with narrowed eyes.

"What was that?"

"What?" You asked innocently.

She shook her head, "That was clearly something Yuna."

"Nothing. I am just tired, let's go in."

Without another word you entered your house, it's scent and warmth making you release a deep sigh as the current events replayed in your mind.

It's really nothing, you comforted yourself but knew very well that wasn't true.

It's really nothing, you comforted yourself but knew very well that wasn't true

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A/N: I pity Yuna has to go through such pain but it's inevitable. Do tell me your thoughts, constructive criticism is always welcome :)

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