My Dad is going to be OK

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Dean's P.O.V

I didn't want to be bothered by anybody else because I was still in shock after finding out that my dad had announced his leukemia back in October of last year. My dad had said that he was going to surprise me on the opening show of Raw, but I was too depressed for any type of surprises from my parents as I was about to throw the remote control at the wall. "Why could have been me and not him!" I had angrily shouted and just collapsed on the leather couch with hot tears running down my face and I guess that's where I had heard knocking on the locker room's door but I didn't want to answer it and just let the knocking continue on my door. Becky Lynch had came to the rescue and kneeled down to my height after gently wiping away my stinging tears. "No more crying little  lad. I'm right here, everything is going to be alright." Becky had said as she was standing up and offered her hand for me as I had gladly took it. We were in the backstage catering area as I was gently picked up by the Irish woman and placed on the steel chair. Becky and I was eating a bowl of chicken salad with some ranch dressing, hours had went on and I was ready to go and see my dad's surprise on national television. The show was kicking off with a video clip from October 2018 of my dad announcing that his leukemia was back and would be relinquishing the WWE Universal Championship. My dad had promised a comeback. "Why did you have to show this sadness." I was softly saying to myself as my dad's music had hit, and he had came out to a huge ovation. My dad had tears in his eyes while he was soaking in the reaction. My dad was high fiving people coming down from the ramp. A loud “Roman” chant had picked up, and he was looking into the sky and would take a deep breath. My dad would now high five and fist bump the wwe fans around ringside. My dad would find his 8-year-old son and hugged me. Finally, he had embraced The Rock’s mother. My dad had climbed the ring steps and listened to another “Roman” chant. The crowd had erupted when he was looking at them. My dad was thanking them. My dad was looking at the WrestleMania sign and poses on the turnbuckles. My dad was standing in the ring and the music had stopped. Now the high volume in the crowd was really picking up. They were chanting his name and had applauded him. My dad was just standing and started looking around. "The good news is I’m in remission y’all!” The wrestling crowd had ERUPTED with glee after my dad had announced his remission from his cancer. As my dad was walking up the ramp while he was carrying me in his arms and that's when my other dad's music had played and they would embrace each other before sharing a heart-warming kiss on their soft lips. I was smiling with happy tears in my blue eyes..

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