Birthday boy part three

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Dean's P.O.V

For my final birthday today. My two dads are taking me to a fast food restaurant called Burger King, but let's be honest here I really didn't want to eat anything after what had happened to my dad's Universal Championship in his steel cage match against Brock Lesnar from the greatest royal rumble pay-per-view. "I don't want to eat a cheeseburger or French fries. I'm not that hungry." I had said said in my grumpy gravelly voice as my dad was lecturing about me having a moody attitude but I didn't want to listen to it at this point. And I really didn't like to feel I was being pampered but since I am an only child and all, I have learned to accept it. After my dad had won his first intercontinental championship during his Wrestlemania 34 match, my other dad had decided to celebrate by taking us out to an expensive-looking restaurant since his 2017 WrestleMania match was in a non-sanctioned brutal battle against Triple H with his annoying wife by ringside. But I'm assuming that he is not going to tell me what kind of birthday present that I'm going to be getting today. A few hours later, I'm back in my reserved seat and I am listening to the ring announcer's ring introductions for the challenger Roman Reigns, which is my dad by the way and Paul Heyman would take over to introduce the reigning and defending Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar. "Can we just get on with this pointless match." I had said since my dad was too focused on his SummerSlam match to even hear me. But before his showdown with Brock could even begin, he was interrupted by Braun Strowman. Mr. Monster in the Bank had informed the two opponents that, regardless of who won tonight’s match, Braun would be cashing in his Money in the Bank contract and facing them immediately. "That will never be the day, because you are just trash-talking!" I really hope that he didn't hear me after I had said that. Seconds later, Brock Lesnar was cracking the steel chair over the back of Braun Strowman a few more times. Back inside of the ring, my dad had hit him with a spear. My dad had hooked the leg and got the pinfall! I guess that Strowman’s cash-in threat had been neutralized, which had allowed my dad to celebrate with the Universal Championship. I had jumped over the barricade and entered the ring to finally celebrate with my dad on finally vanquishing his biggest obstacle in the wwe. I guess I can take back on what I had said about this wrestling company for not appreciating my Samoan dad and for everything that he had to sacrifice. "This is the best and last birthday present that I'm going to remember for a long time." Yes, I know that I won't have a chance to never grow up like my two dads and all. But at least I am blessed to still be known as a forever kid by my dad's closest friends..

Me and My dads Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ