The fall of a tag team

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Dean's P.O.V

I was sitting in the catering table and decided to occupy myself by playing on my Nintendo Switch even though I really should be studying for my upcoming math test tomorrow. "I'm sure that dad wouldn't mind it, if I just took a little time off from my studies." I had said as I was trying to complete another level in Mario Kart 8 and didn't notice that Sasha Banks had grabbed a hold of my Nintendo Switch and gave me a questionable expression on her face. "I know, I know. But I was just taking a little break." I had said to the blue-haired wrestler as she was putting up my portable game console in my school backpack and gently took my small hand as we were heading to the TV Monitor to watch a video highlighting the big matches on tonight's show. And this was the first time ever, that the Tag Team Champions will defend their tag titles and Braun Strowman will be facing my dad for the Universal Championship in the same night too. Braun Strowman will start off against Robert Roode. Roode was unsure of what to do. A "Get these hands" chant was picking up. They would lock up, and Strowman had powered Roode down before taunting him. Roode was looking nervous as he had pulled himself up in the corner. Roode was circling around the ring and hooked a side headlock. Braun would simply pick him up and throws him off. Dolph Ziggler was whispering some advice to Robert. Roode was thinking about it and tagged Ziggler in. Braun would go to cut off a cheap shot from Roode. Roode had escaped, and Ziggler was jumping on Braun Strowman's back for a sleeper hold. Seconds later, Robert had did his "GLORIOUS" taunt, but Strowman had ran him over with a shoulder block. My dad was inadvertently hit as well. Ziggler would then pull the top rope down to get Strowman out of the ring. Roode would then hit my dad with a Glorious DDT for the win! My dad had disappointedly looked at Strowman and was shaking his head. Braun and my dad was looking completely dejected. "My dad isn't on a losing streak like you are." I had said to the so-called monster among of men as he was looking down at me and messed up my long hair, before rudely walking away from me. I was watching Charly Caruso asking my dad about Braun Strowman blaming him for losing the Raw Tag Team Titles. My dad had said that he is going to beat him. "Come on, my little lunatic." My other dad had said as he was scooping my small body up and took me to the commentary table since I was going to watch my dad defend his universal championship against Braun Strowman. The bell had rung, and Braun had turned my dad inside out with a shoulder block. Dad would come back and kicks away at Strowman, but Strowman had stopped him. Dad was making another comeback with some kicks and hits a frog splash, but Strowman had kicked out before the referee could even count. Strowman would quickly pick up dad and slams him. Strowman had thrown him across the ring and continues the attack. Strowman had avalanched him and charges, but dad would send him shoulder-first into the ring post. Dad would come off of the top rope with a flying knee, but Strowman had grabbed him and clubbed him down. Dad was leaving the ring to recover. Braun would go outside and runs him over with a shoulder block. Strowman had backed up and hits him with another shoulder block. Strowman would get him in the ring, but dad was rolling back out. Strowman would go back outside and charges, but my dad had sidestepped him. Braun Strowman's momentum would take him over the commentary table. "Wow, this is some good action!" I had said after I was sitting in the large rolling chair as my dad was getting back in the ring and was looking for a count-out. Strowman would get up, so my dad had hit him with a suicide dive. Minutes later, my dad would go for one more Curb Stomp, but Strowman would go for a Running Powerslam. Dad was sliding off of him and hits him with a Pedigree. Dad was following it up with a Curb Stomp for the win. The show was getting ready to go off the air as I had saw my dad coming towards to the commentary table and decided to pick me up in his arms just to pose together as the show would come to an end.

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