Not another take all match

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Dean's P.O.V

I was walking around the backstage area while I was playing on my portable Nintendo Switch console and didn't really pay attention to where I was intentionally going and accidentally bumped into one of my dad's bosses named Stephanie McMahon as she had carefully kneeled down on her knee and offered her hand to me as I had happily took it. "Sorry, I didn't see where I was going." I had said and properly introduced myself to the Chief brand officer of WWE, she had asked me a certain question about the way I am now. I guess it had something to do with my inability to grow up like everyone else since I have the normal height of an 8-year-old child but with the mind of an adult. A couple of hours later, a video package had highlighted the grueling match that my dad had against Brock Lesnar to kick off WrestleMania last night. My dad was looking very pleased with the reception. A loud “You deserve it” chant had started up. My dad was saying, “No, no, no. WE deserve it!” my dad had said that he has waited a long time to stand in this ring and hold this title above his head with his little lunatic right by his side. And all it had took was to climb Mt. Everest and beat the most dominant champion in WWE history. A “Thank you, Rollins” chant was picking up. nods his head and thanks the fans. My dad was saying that he had felt terrible today. If there were a human version of a Mac Truck, it would be Brock Lesnar. Brock had destroyed my dad before the match had started, but he had got back up. My dad had took everything that Brock Lesnar had to dish out and got back up. My dad was saying that he had some good news for the wwe fans. Last night, he had heard Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman were taking a flight to Las Vegas for some meetings. As far as my dad is concerned, they can stay in Las Vegas because Brock Lesnar is no longer the reigning, defending, undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion. My dad will do them one better. He is the reigning, defending, FIGHTING, undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion. "I really like the sound of that one dad!" I had proudly said to my fighting champion dad. Hours later, Kofi Kingston had challenged my dad in a one-on-one match, wwe title for the universal title. The bell had rung, and they would circle the ring before locking up. Kingston would wrench the arm and took my dad down to a knee. My dad was trying for a Ripcord Knee, but Kofi had avoided. Kofi was trying for a Trouble in Paradise, but my dad would stay away from it. My dad had tried for a Curb Stomp, but Kofi had slipped away. They were at a stalemate. Kofi was setting up on the top rope, but The Bar would run in and attack Kofi Kingston. The referee had called for the bell. My dad was saying that he and Kingston will finish this title versus title some other time. The crowd had booed. My dad had wanted to team up with Kofi and face The Bar. So eventually, Kofi Kingston and my dad had defeated The Bar..

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