Someone call for help

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Dean's P.O.V

I've been trying to avoid going back to my dad's locker room for awhile now, because I didn't want to die from boredom just sitting and channel surfing on the TV. "Besides I'm still young enough to explore something." I had said in my gravelly voice as I had decided to go and talk to some of my dad's co-workers since they are always knocking on my door to see how am I doing, I would've had my Nintendo Switch in my hands but it was charging up in my dad's car and I don't usually go anywhere without it. I was looking around at the backstage area and just now noticed how huge the place really was. It's kind of too bad that my unknown diagnosis is preventing my own body from physically growing up like everybody else is. "So when I am older, I will always have the same stature of a 5-year-old and definitely the 4.1 foot in height too." I had said in my gravelly voice as I was going to the interviewing place where my dads would usually go to talk with the grown-ups about their wrestling things. I would have turned around and head right back to my playroom but the curiosity got the best of me as I had grabbed a microphone and began my quest to interview the wwe superstars, I was having a blast with the grown-ups with my fictional interviews. Until Becky Lynch had spotted me and gave me a questionable look on her face, she had carefully picked me up and gave the microphone back to the interviewer. "Why do grown-ups always to ruin the fun, I didn't get into trouble with your boss." I had said as Becky had told me that she is going to the one to watch over me until my dad is ready to defend his universal belt against Baron Corbin in a no disqualification match. We were watching my dad and The Undertaker battling Shane McMahon and his annoying Scottish psychopath friend named Drew McIntyre. Seconds later into the match and my dad had threw Shane onto the Undertaker as he had landed the tombstone. He would go for the cover and got the pinfall. I was taken to the reservation seat thanks to Becky Lynch as we would wave goodbye to each other. My dad was on the titaintron screen as he was asked about his universal championship match tonight. My dad had said that he knows what is at stake and that we are in the city of brotherly love, in Philadelphia, PA. My dad had said last night that him and my other dad had took a walk around the lovely city and it was an idea shopping walk. "Unfortunately I was left to be babysit by my grandparents of course. But thankfully I'm still a little kid." I was saying to the titaintron screen since I’m always hyped up for these types of video clips. My dad's music had hit as he was dressed in his X-men outfit, the bell had rung and my dad would go right after Baron Corbin. Hours into the match and my dad had landed a frog splash onto Baron Corbin through the table. My dad would throw Baron back in the ring. My dad would go for the Curb Stomp but Corbin had caught him and powerbombed him. Deep six by Baron. He would go for the cover but that's when he had saw me and decided to get out of the ring and confront me before grabbing my can of soda and throwing it into my face, I was grabbing my face in pure pain as my dad was watching it. My dad had attacked Baron Corbin from behind with the kendo stick. Multiple hits as he had grabbed a steel chair and began beating on Corbin. My dad had hit him with the Curb Stomp. My dad had hit him with another stomp. My dad had hit him with a third curb stomp. He would go for the cover and got the pinfall. Brock Lesnar’s music had hit. And out came Brock carrying his briefcase. Brock would get in the ring and hits my dad with two German suplexes. The referee was telling the ring announcer to cash it in. The announcement was made and Lesnar was cashing in the Money in the Bank. The bell had rung. Brock Lesnar with an F5 on my dad. He would go for the cover and got the pinfall. Yeah, too bad that I didn't see it though as my dad had got out of the ring to get the soda substance out of my face with a soft napkin and hoisted me up to take me to the backstage area. "It's my fault that you had lost the universal championship." I had softly said to my dad with a sad look on my face..

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