What are you wearing?

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Dean's P.O.V

I was relieving myself in the bathroom and flushed the toilet, I would then wash my hands with the hands-free soap on the wall. "Are you ready to go, little dude?" My Samoan dad had asked as he was standing by the bathroom's door and carefully unlocked the bathroom's doorknob with the bathroom key. I was holding my hand out for my dad as he had took my offered hand and escorted us out of the bathroom. "Let's go and see what your other dad is doing." My dad had said as we were walking to the men's dressing room and noticed my other dad stepping out of his locker room with his three friends right beside him. "Dad, what are you wearing?" I had asked as he would bend down to my eye level and gently grabbed the back of my head just to whisper something in my ear. I was holding in my laughter and took my Samoan dad's hand after we had said goodbye to my other dad and his three friends. Hours later, dad and I was seating at the commentary table as my dad, Authors of Pain, and Buddy Murphy was making their way to the ring. Dad had said that he had wanted the booing wwe crowd to know something. Dad was saying that every single person out there has played a small part in making him the man he is today. Without them, there was no Monday Night Messiah. Dad was thanking the crowd for believing in him and for their support. The crowd would boo him more. "I think he has a loose nut in his head." My Samoan dad had playfully joked as I was still trying to hold in my little laugh. My dad had introduced the newest disciple of the Monday Night Messiah, Buddy Murphy. Dad and Murphy would embrace in the ring. Kevin Owens’ music had interrupted my dad's speech. Owens was walking out to the stage. Samoa Joe’s music had hit, and he would come out to stand next to Owens. Owens was saying that my dad was talking too much. Eventually, a huge brawl had broken out, and dad would immediately bail out of the ring. Joe, Owens, and The Viking Raiders was standing tall in the ring as the crowd would loudly cheer for them. Dad was with A.O.P and Buddy Murphy. Charly Caruso had said it had appeared that they were “caught off guard by the element of surprise.” Dad had said that they weren’t caught off guard. They’re taking the Raw Tag Team Titles from the Viking Raiders tonight. *Time skip* Andrade had defeated Rey Mysterio in a Ladder Match to retain his WWE United States Championship. Aleister Black had defeated a random wrestler. "Ricochet has moved into the stupid face territory. At least we got a perfect promo from Paul Heyman though." I had said after we had watched Brock walk up to Ricochet and kicked him in the groin, before leaving Ricochet gasping for breath in the ring. Drew McIntyre had defeated Randy Orton with the inference of the O.C. and Becky Lynch would defeat Kairi Sane with a Dis-Arm-her submission in a non-title match. The Viking Raiders would quickly take Buddy Murphy down. Erik had scoop slammed Ivar onto Buddy Murphy. A.O.P would get on the apron, so Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens had pulled them off of the apron. They were brawling through the wwe crowd. Dad and Murphy would take Erik down. Erik would give Murphy a wild back body drop over the top rope. Erik would then send dad out of the ring. Minutes later, dad had hit Erik with a Curb Stomp on the apron. Buddy had covered Erik for the win! Dad and Murphy had hugged AOP on the stage. They would pose triumphantly on the stage. Dad and I would give them a round of applause for their great teamwork efforts from the commentary table. The new Raw Tag Team Champions dad and Buddy Murphy were backstage with the Authors of Pain. My dad had said that this was just the beginning..

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