Revenge is a best served dish

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Dean's P.O.V

I really feel bad about what had happend to my dad's universal championship match against Baron Corbin at Extreme Rules from last month. But if it wasn’t for Baron throwing my can of soda in my face and being blinded by him then my dad still would've had his universal championship and Brock Lesnar wouldn't have cashed in his briefcase, I guess that I am the one to be blamed here for ruining my dad's universal championship no disqualification match. "I don't deserve to be the only son of two wrestlers, I always have a habit of ruinning things for them." I had said as I was sitting in Bayley's  dressing room just reading my English book for my next school semester. But I was so caught up in my English book that I didn't hear Bayley calling me as she had crouched down on one knee and closed up my school book before scooping me up in her arms. "I think that's enough brain power for one day. I  know where we can go to watch TV without being in the crowd." Bayley had said as she was taking us to the place where the TV Monitors were usually located. Bayley was standing with me in her arms while we were watching a video playing on the tv monitor which was hyping up the big matches on tonight’s 32nd edition of SummerSlam. As a video clip of Becky Lynch vs. Natalya for the RAW Women’s Championship in a Submission Match was about to begin. Natalya was making her entrance with the Canadian flag draped over her shoulders. The crowd was starting their chanting, “Becky” as they were going face-to-face. The bell had rung, and they were circling the ring. Becky Lynch was talking a little trash and started slapping Natalya in the face. Natalya had responded with a slap to Becky's face. Becky had tackled her to the corner and punches away at her before stomping on her. The crowd was starting to boo her. Natalya had punched Becky back and hits a discus clothesline. Natalya was stomping Becky Lynch and began charging, but Becky had sidestepped her. Lynch was punching Natalya and hits a Bexploder. Lynch had hit her with a textbook suplex and goes for the Dis-Arm-Her, but thankfully Natalya had blocked it. One hour later in the match, The crowd was on their feet. Becky was crawling to the bottom rope, but Natalya doesn’t let her go. Lynch had dragged herself half out of the ring. Natalya had dragged her back in and goes for another Sharpshooter, but Lynch would take her down and applied the Dis-Arm-Her! Lynch had torqued her arm at a nasty angle. Natalya was screaming in pain and eventually taps out to the submission move. Bayley had handed me over to my Samoan dad as she was getting ready for her Smackdown Women’s Championship match against Ember Moon for the remaining time on TV. "Dad, can we go and see what my other dad is doing?" I had asked him as he was setting me down on the floor as I had offered my hand to him. My other dad was warming up for his universal championship opportunity in the backstage area when he had saw me and dad walking in his locker room. My dad had playfully ruffled up my long hair and gave me a big hug. I had told him that we will be watching him from ringside. "Wish your old man good luck,  little lunatic." My dad had said as my two parents would give each other a couple of good luck kisses for good measures. I bet you readers are glad that I can't grow up and still trying to act like an adult but I'm still a small boy. Anyways, it was time for my dad's universal championship match with Brock Lesnar and They would do the in-ring announcements, but Paul Heyman would take the microphone and called Brock Lesnar the “Sultan of SummerSlam.” The crowd was really LOUD with Paul Heyman the whole way. My dad’s ribs were taped up. Me and my other dad were in the front row section. The bell had rung, and Lesnar would immediately attack the injured ribs of my dad. Lesnar had shoved him to the corner and hits some shoulder thrusts. Lesnar had picked him up and slammed him into the corner before taking him down. Dad had responded with a kick to the face. Lesnar would go for a German Suplex, but dad had flipped through and landed on his feet! My dad had hit the Curb Stomp, but Lesnar would kick out at two and a half! Paul Heyman was stunned. Lesnar was rolling out of the ring to recover, so my dad had hit him with a flying knee off the apron. My dad was getting him in the ring, but Lesnar had surprised him with a German Suplex attempt. Dad would once again land on his feet! Dad had superkicked him twice and would go for a Curb Stomp, but Lesnar had countered it with an F5! One hour later and The crowd was chanting, “Burn it down!” Dad would go to the top rope and hits him with a frog splash. My dad would get up and sizes Brock up before hitting a big Stomp.. but Lesnar had kicked out! My dad cannot believe it. Dad would go for another Curb Stomp, but Brock had countered it with an F5 attempt. Dad would get out by landing on his feet and superkicked Lesnar! My dad had followed it up with a Curb Stomp for the win. My dad was looking at the WWE Universal Championship and became emotional. Dad was hiding his face as he was weeping with tears of joy. My dad had celebrated with the universal championship and would go over to us and hugged us as the pyrotechnics was going off on the stage.

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