Tag team in the making

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Dean's P.O.V

While I was playing with my action figures that my dad had purchased for me at the Toys "R" Us store after I had gotten my daily allowance from my parents and looked up when I had heard there was a knock at my locker room door and saw my dad coming into my playroom and told me that he was going to go live on TV. I had enough courage to tell him about having another sibling to hang out with. "Dad, can I have a baby brother or sister?" I had asked as he was lacing up my canvas shoes and softly sighed to himself. Before he had picked me up in his arms and sat down on the wooden bench. "Dean, I have done something very wrong. But I was afraid to tell you about it." My dad had said after he had told me about the time when he was pregnant with me and my deceased twin brother?! I didn’t really like this secret story from my dad. Since he was against getting pregnant again after he had lost the twin baby and didn’t want to tell me until I was finished with high school or just with community college. As you readers may have noticed that I will never have the physical capacity of growing up, but I am happy with having two wwe superstars as my loving and caring parents. Now I really see why I am the only son of a cancer survior and a current universal champion. "I'm glad that you had told me about this secret story, because I would rather hang out with my two dads!" I had happily said as my dad would scoop me up and hugged me. My dad had took my hand and guided us to the TV Monitor area as we had heard my other dad’s music playing. Dad was making his way to the ring to a huge reception. The corner of the stage was decorated with a king's throne. Dolph Ziggler was making his ring entrance. Ziggler had grabbed a microphone. Dolph had wanted to tell my dad face-to-face that he was not a Twitter keyboard warrior like all of the wrestling fans. He was glad that my dad was okay over the near-attacks. Ziggler just didn’t understand why he was getting all of the attention for things that almost had happened. The crowd was chanting, “You suck.” Ziggler had said that he was trying to be a man so the wrestling fans can shut up. Dad had nearly got hit by a lighting equip, but has he ever been speared by Goldberg three times? It was bad enough getting speared by Goldberg, but he didn’t see it coming. Dolph thought Goldberg had to wait six months between six spears. In the last few weeks, he had a D.Z wannabe in HBK after Shawn Michaels had kicked him in the face. He was so off his game that Maryse’s husband The Miz had took him out. It should have been him being the main attraction. Dolph Ziggler had blindsided my dad with a superkick! The referee was checking on my dad, who was still on the mat. The crowd was chanting, “You still suck” and “Goldberg” at Dolph Ziggler. Dad was getting to his feet, and the bell had rung. Ziggler would go for an avalanche in the corner, but dad had sidestepped him and drops him with a right hand. Ziggler would immediately leave the ring. Dad would go outside and jumps off of the steel steps for a Superman Punch, but Ziggler had sidestepped him. Ziggler would then drop him with a Zig-Zag on the hard floor. After the commercial break was done, Dolph was waiting for my dad to get up and would go for a Zig-Zag, but dad was holding the ropes. Ziggler had countered a spear attempt into a roll-up for a two count. Dolph would go for a famouser, but dad had countered into a powerbomb attempt. Ziggler had got out of it and sidesteps dad into the ring post. Seconds later, The crowd was chanting, “Roman.” Ziggler cannot believe he has not put away my dad yet. Ziggler was talking trash and said that he was better than my dad. Ziggler had slapped him in the head a few times and dared him to do something. Ziggler would go for an avalanche, but dad had split him in half with a vicious spear for the win! "That will teach him not to trash talk my dad." I had said to the television as my other dad was smiling. Eventually, I was handed over to my close friend named Sasha Banks and waved goodbye to my dad as he was going to try and get him and Braun Strowman versus Gallows and Anderson for the RAW Tag Team Championships booked for tonight. My dad was making his ring entrance. Braun Strowman would soon follow. They will be facing the RAW Tag Team Champions, today. Braun Strowman would start off against Luke Gallows. Strowman was shoving him back. They would lock up, and Strowman had powered him into the corner before punching away at him. Strowman had hit the ropes and shoulder blocks him down. My dad had tagged in and came off of the top rope with a punch to the midsection. Dad was wrenching the arm, but Gallows would quickly take him down. Karl Anderson had tagged in and bounced dad off of the corner turnbuckle. One hour later, Braun was tagged in, and he had shoulder blocked Anderson twice. Strowman had avalanched him in the corner before shoulder blocking Gallows. Strowman had hit Anderson with another avalanche before hitting a Running Powerslam. Dad had hit AJ Styles with The Curb Stomp before he could interfere. The referee had counted the pinfall! Dad and Braun Strowman was celebrating after becoming the new RAW Tag Team Champions. My dad was now a double champion again. They had raised their arms on the ramp, as Braun was looking at the Universal Championship once again in my dad's hand..

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