Birthday boy part two

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Dean's P.O.V

I was in the middle of finishing up my homework from third grade in one of my dad's locker room. I was trying to figure out this one mathematical problem with the help of my dad's close friend named Bayley. "You know for a seven-year-old kid, you have the handwriting of an adult." Bayley had said to me as she had tucked my long hair behind my ear and managed to tell me the last answer to my math question just by guessing it. I had thanked her for helping me with my homework and decided to do my next homework assignment which hopefully didn't involve another math problem, but before I could do that. I would get two knocks on my dad's door and I was greeted by my other dad with a smile on my face. "I think that's enough homework for my little lunatic for the day." My dad had said as he was gathering up my school stuff from the leather couch that I was seating in. I had helped him by putting all of my belongings in my backpack and handed my backpack to him. "I'm going to take your backpack and put it in the car." My dad had said as I was holding his hand and started walking with him. I was wearing one of my dad's "Roman Empire" T-shirt and navy blue jeans with some black & white canvas shoes just to match my current clothing. Hours later, I was seating in my reserved seat with the wrestling fans. A video clip of my dad's intercontinental Championship Ladder Match was on the titantron screen. The bell had rung, my dad and his three opponents were all staring at the intercontinental title hanging above the ring. My dad had attacked Samoa Joe, and the Miz was attacking Finn Balor. Finn Balor had reversed a whip, but Miz would sunset flip him. the final moments into the match was after Finn Bálor had sent Samoa Joe tumbling off of the ladder and began to scale up the ladder, but the luck of an Irish was not on Finn's side as my dad had springboarded onto the rungs, sprinted up into the lights and ripped the intercontinental title from it's hook before Finn Bálor even knew what had happened. The sudden loss had left The Extraordinary Man at a total loss for words. My dad, meanwhile, had let out a victorious war cry that really didn't need no type of translation for the sold-out crowd in King Abdullah Sports City Stadium. "Way to go, Dad! I knew that you could do it!" I was particularly screaming out my vocal cords for my dad's intense battle. My dad was motivated to become the greatest wrestler after his Wrestlemania was threatened for the second-straight year due to maternity leave after I was born. Anyways, My other dad's Steel Cage match was coming up next. My dad had stood face to face with The Beast Incarnate in a Steel Cage Match and hit him with everything that he had, but it still wasn't enough for the win. The referee would then make his ruling: Because Brock was the first person out of the cage, The Beast was ruled the victor and still the Universal Champion. "Since when does his back become feet?!" I was particularly fuming over the official's ridiculous decision. I didn't want to watch the remaining matches and signaled for my dad to come and pick me up from my seat as usual. "I know what you had told me, but I was hoping to see you have some gold on you." I'm starting to think that the wwe doesn't like my other dad for some strange reason..

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