Part 30

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I am sitting at the backstage hoping for my win and the host finally said,

"The winner of the dance competition of 2021 is...". Ugh! Why do they have a big break in between! Just to kill me? I am so nervous are they even telling the results today!! Oh god! Please stop this suspense.

"So the winner of the dance competition 2021 is Sam and y/n"
Finally!! Did I heard it right even? Is this my imagination or something?!
"Y/n go already" I heard jungkook saying while chuckling. Oh so it's the reality! But how did I won the competition? Well ehmmm it was my hard work guys!!!!!'

Oh shoot y/n why aren't you holding the trophy 🏆. Just give your hand towards it no it can't happen why are you shaking just stop and take it. Think about jungkook, he will be proud y/n just take it already.

Sam took it for you and him. Gosh! Good that I wasn't having a solo performance.I wanna thank Sam so bad because he just saved me at such a grand stage. Oh. The people are happy but I don't even recognise one of them that's what happens when it is a paid audience at first and general audience at back!

I need to really talk with yoongi but why y/n, don't you remember what he did? Huh? You should just cut the connection. You just went to yoongi because he was someone jungkook cared of right? Yeah that's good so you are striaghtly going to your academy and show your coaches the award and after that you are returning the money back to the boys. This is a nice todo list and a lot for you. So we will do the things tomorrow because it's already getting dark.

Mafia never loved me  <yoongi> Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ