Part 5

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Bangtan went for a mission. You were pretty bored. You decided to watch a movie. You watched a movie but they didn't came so you decided to watch another one. They were all comedy movies so you were entertained a lot. They were not there. Now, you went to your bed.


You woke up early in the morning because you don't want tae to drop you. You got changed, packed your bag and went to the kitchen. Unexpectedly, there was no one in the kitchen. You were now worried because you love jungkook he is like your small brother inspite of age.

You went to jungkook's room but there was no one. Now you were very worried. You went to yoongi's room, they were not there you went to hoseok's room and saw yoongi, hoseok, namjoon and Jin sleeping sound but your favourite tae and jungkook were not there. You went to Tae's room you saw no one.You went to jimin's room and saw jungkook playing overwatch and tae and jimin were sleeping, you went to jungkook and hugged him tightly. He turned around and saw tears in your eyes. He hugged you back. He took off his headphones.

"What happened to you y/n-sshii"
"I was worried because you were not in your room"
" we got late home so we slept with each other, don't worry about me nothing will happen to me."
"I may go now because tae and jimin are sleeping I don't want to disturb them"
"Aren't you late for school"
"Ohh I am I am going bye"

You grabbed your apple you were late but you can't hurry because you were on your periods. Periods make you very uncomfortable, you get cramps plus you don't have any will to do anything at that time.
You can't go to school because you know you will be beaten by hyorin , jack and sia can't help you.

You went through your phone. You texted sia that you are not coming today. You don't want her to be worried of you.

You now went to your room, changed your clothes to baggy and  comfy clothes because these days are gonna be very tough for you. 

You got back to bed tried to sleep but you can't. You were in the room alone with all that pain but it was nothing new to you after he left you, you were changed a lot. You loved him the most.

You slept having dreams about him which was converting into nightmares. You don't want to go downstairs and give all of them the information. You can hear their voices so you were kinda relaxed seeing that they are safe.


It was evening now and you can't stay in there anymore and you're cramps were kinda getting better so you walked downstairs. You heard them talking of you.

"Should we tell y/n why we brought her here" jimin said
"She would not do it" tae said
"We bought her do this so we have to tell her we can't get her like this in our home" namjoon said
"We can't be like that even if we are mafias we should be a little kind"jungkook said
"Kind my foot" yoongi said

"What's that guys tell me"

They were all shocked they thought you were in the school and will be coming in some time.

"How can you walk so fast" Jin asked
"I didn't attended"
"Why so" j hope said
"I was not feeling well"
"Is that because of those bastards yesterday" tae said
"No they weren't"
"So who"
"I can't"
"Tell us"
"It maybe because of her periods" yoongi said
"Ya you're right" hoseok said
"Tell is it because of your periods" tae asked
"YA YOU DUMB, now tell me what you were talking about why did you bought me"

"You were bought because we want you too to go on our mission and interrupt our enemies and the workers over there by your beauty and moves. So we can do our tasks very well"

"That seems interesting. I want you to do something in return but I will tell you when the time comes"

"What's it" jimin said
"I won't but you can do it"

You asked, "when I have to do it??"
"We will tell you our missions are always told at short time" Jin said

Y/n's pov

Jin went to the kitchen for making something. We all went to the couch, watching dramas. I went to take water for all of us. I opened the cooler and a saw my favourite strawberry milk. I got strawberry milk for me and banana milk for jungkook and the rest wanted water. I give them their water. Kookie snatched the banana milk from me. I took the strawberry milk and went to the kitchen again.

I saw Jin cutting veggies for noodles.
I went to him.

"Let me help you. I will boil the noodles"
"Okk they are kept in that shelf." He pointed towards a shelf.

I went to the shelf, got the noodles,and boiled them. Till the time they were boiling I saw Jin cutting vegetables he is very slow but his food is really good.
He chopped them and kept in a bowl. The noodles were also boiled. He was making the noodles now.
"Thanks for the help y/n now you can go back"

I went back to the couch. We watched a drama.

The drama was pretty good. Jin called us for dinner and we went there in full speed. I sat between tae and jungkook  as usual.

I saw their faces were kinda weird an Di thought I didn't boil them perfectly. It was over -boiled maybe. I ate it and it was perfect m. Ohh godd they just made the faces to scare Jin.
We finished the dinner and I was going to the bed but- I saw them rushing here and there.

"Y/n come with us we need to decide about a mission going to be done after a week" namjoon said
I was very excited, I went to a new place. It seems very cool but scary. There were chairs and people were kept over there. They were tied with ropes. It's looking so scary!!!!

I hope you are loving it and sorry for late updates trying to update every day from now on. Thanks 🙏🏻!!!!!

Thanks @sugaisland for commenting I didn't attached my email so I can't reply to you hope you read every chapter

Mafia never loved me  <yoongi> Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt