Sam followed AJ to a small station wagon next to the lab, and AJ unlocked it. “Get in” he said, opening the door. “You know how to drive?” Sam asked. “You’re only fourteen.” “My Dad wanted me to know” said AJ. “Just in case. I can teach you, if you want.” “Sure” said Sam. “Then, get in the drivers seat” said AJ, holding the door opened for him.

                                   Sherri looked down at the Doctor, who was sipping water through a straw. He then set it down, before Jonathan asked “Doc, I got to know, when do you think the baby will come?” The Doctor looked at the two, and said “I’d say, some time next week.” Sherri’s eyes opened in shock. “Next week” she repeated silently, grabbing Jonathan’s hand, who had turned pale. “You won’t be better by then” said Jonathan. “You need bed rest for at least two weeks.”

                                “I will fight through it” said the Doctor, staring at the two intently. “There is reason to worry, but I will never give up on a patient, especially a pregnant woman who has already had too much trouble for her. I will deliver your baby, and you will be fine.” Sherri slowly nodded, before the Doctor gave her his water and said “It looks like you need this more than I do.”

                                  Anthony walked into the large white room, where Hannah, William, and Adam sat. Hannah and William were eating chips, as Adam was searching through several books, trying to find the missing piece to the cure. “He’s been like that for an hour” said Hannah, eating another chip. “He really wants to find that cure” said William. “We all do” said Anthony. “We can’t help it. We need to find that cure. So, guys, please stop eating, and just help him out.” “Okay” said Hannah, as there was a final crunch.

                                     Sam slowly drove down a barren road. “You’re doing good” said AJ. “Now, try to pick up the pace.” “Okay” Sam said, nodding. He pressed his foot on the pedal, and the car began to gain speed. “Now, just relax” said AJ. “Relax, and just remember all I told you.” “Okay” said Sam, taking heavy breaths. “How are you so cool about this stuff?” AJ smiled and said “Practice.”

                                      Gwen and Vivian approached the front door, and Jack appeared. He pushed it opened for them and said “We need to get to work.” He led them to the white room and said “Look through as many books as you can and study my previous formulas. Maybe you can find the missing key.” “Okay” said Gwen, as Vivian looked around. “Where’s Terry?” she asked. “I don’t know” said William. “He probably went exploring.” “Well, hurry up and find him people” said Jack. “I really want this cure to be made.” “Okay” said Vivian, walking off.

                                      Sam and AJ drove into Philadelphia and stopped on a little road a few blocks away from Melville. “Why are we stopping here?” asked Sam, as the two jumped out of the car. “I noticed that” said AJ. He was staring through to a small gun store, and Sam saw several walkers inside. “Why do they matter?” Sam asked. “Because” said AJ, with a smirk. “We’re going in there.”

                                       Gwen walked into Jacks office and saw him staring intently at his computer, while Anthony and Jason looked through his files. “Ah, hello there” said Jack. “Did you find something?” “Um, no” said Gwen. “I just need to talk to Anthony.” Jack groaned, before saying “Times wasting. Make it quick.”

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