Chapter 18: Theme Park

Start from the beginning

“Um… I’m afraid to ask my question now…” he said in a small voice. I smiled. “Good boy,” I teased. “Can I ask one?” Wes asked. “Yes, Wes? Be careful, though,” I warned. “Umm… do we have permission to laugh uncontrollably?”

“Hmm… yes, I think I can allow that.” Sure enough, they all laugh. Go figure. We manage to get a good parking place, and we got in without a problem. Yay.


            We walk to the first ride; a roller coaster. I sighed. I was nervous, which is ridiculous. But I’m 25, and I haven’t ridden a roller coaster! “Nervous?” Wes asked. I nodded. “I’m 25, and I haven’t ridden a roller coaster. Can you blame me?” I asked. He grinned. “No. You can ride with me, if you want. Joven’s going with Sohinki, Lasercorn and Mari are going, and Kalel and Anthony,” Wes offered. I nodded.

            We climbed in. I’m going to hate this, I can tell.

We started off. “Sorry if I grab your arm, I’ve never been a fan of heights…” I breathe. Wes smiles in response. “My little sister did the same. No biggie,” he promised. I nodded.

            The coaster took us up to the top, and dangled us. I gasped, and my hand reached for Wes. I found his arm, and I wrapped my hand around it. He moved his arm and offered his hand instead. I took it, gladly. Wes squeezed my hand in reassurance.

            The ride began to move, and I knew it was about to drop. My fingers tighten around Wes’s. Why did I agree to this? Why, why, why? It dropped. “EEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” I squealed. I can hear Wes laughing as my squeal turns into a happy one. I’m happy I agreed to this, now!

            The roller coaster pulled up to it’s starting point, and I was still holding Wes’s hand. He laughs. “Now, was that so bad?” I smile happily. “Nope! That was fun! Can we do another one?” I squealed. “Sure,” he says.

            “And we now see the birds of love in their natural habitat; the amusement park,” I hear Joven say. Wes and I turn around, to see he has a camera pulled out on us. Wes and I just glared at him. “The love birds have discovered us! Abort, abort!” Sohinki, who was next to Joven, was laughing hysterically. “Matthew Sohinki!” Wes growls. “Joshua Ovenshire!” I hissed.

            Joven and Sohinki turn to each other, and shake hands. “Nice knowing you, sir,” Sohinki said. “And you, Mr. Sohinki,” Joven said. The seats were up, and Wes and I were on the platform in a matter of seconds. Kalel, Anthony, Lasercorn, Mari, Joven, and Sohinki were out. I walked over to Joven and Sohinki and whacked them on the back of the head. “OW!” They said at the same time. I walked back over to Wes, who raised his hand for a high-five, which I gave.

            “Well we just got off the roller coaster, and Sohinki and I just got slapped by my sister…” I hear Joven say to the camera I leaned over into the picture. “Let it be known that both of them deserved it. Especially Joven,” I looked at him at patted his shoulder, “Sorry, Jovie.” I walk back to Wes.

            “Where to?” Wes asked me. I looked at him with raised eyebrows. “You’re asking me, the only person here that’s never been to an amusement park, where to go?” I asked. Wes chuckles. “Good point,” he glances at his watch, “We have time for another ride before dinner.”

            I grin. “Can we ride another rollercoaster?” I ask. “Absolutely,” Wes says.

            “Eryn! How was it?” Kalel asked happily. “Awesome! Intimidating at first, but really fun,” I grinned. “Yes, so scary she reached for Wes’s arm,” Lasercorn smiled at me. I glared at him. “That does not bode well for your future, David Moss,” I snarled.

Eryn POV 

           Lasercorn slowly backed away. I heard Wes, Mari, Sohinki, Joven, Kalel, and Anthony trying to smother their laughs. I stomped my foot, making it look like I was going to start running at Lasercorn. He took off bolting. We burst out in laughter.

            “I’m so glad we got that on video!” Mari chuckles. “Yes, the great Lasercorn getting scared off by the tiny but mighty ArchEryngel,” Anthony laughs good-naturedly. I smile evilly. “Man, you’ve been spending way too much time with Lasercorn!” Sohinki said. “I may or may not have picked up the evil grin…” I say wistfully.

            We walk off the platform, in the direction where Lasercorn ran. He stood by the exit with his arms crossed irritably. “That was great, guys. Thanks,” Lasercorn says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I grin.

            This is fun.

The Eyes of an Outcast (Smosh Games Fanfiction) (Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now