Sam looked at Anthony, who said “If you don’t, I will lose you, and I would not be able to live, knowing that I have lost you and your mom.” Sam looked back at the gun, and nodded, before Anthony hugged him. Sam still didn’t want to kill, but knew he had to learn.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


                  William loaded an assault rifle as he sat in the back of a truck. He jumped out with Vivian and said “The guns are loaded.” “Good” said Anthony, putting his gun into its holster. Jason appeared and said “Are you guys ready?” Anthony looked at William, Vivian, Gwen, Hannah Sam, Adam, and Nick, who all said “Yeah.” “Then, let’s go” said Jason.

                 “WAIT” shouted a voice, and Terry appeared. “I’m coming too.” “Are you sure?” Vivian asked. “You’ve been a little out of it lately.” “I’m sure” said Terry. “I’m going to come, and when we find Joseph, I’m going to kill him.” Vivian looked frightened, as Anthony said “Okay. Let’s go.”

                   Sherri looked at the pale doctor, who lied in the hospital bed. He was unconscious, but breathing. Jonathan walked in, and looked at his pale face. “He’s going to be alright Sherri” he said. “You don’t know that” said Sherri. “He could die, and my baby will be born without a doctor.” “That could happen” said Jonathan. “But, it won’t. You just have to have faith.” Sherri looked up at him, with tears in her eyes. “I have had faith” said Sherri. “Ever since this started, all I’ve had was faith. Faith got my husband killed, got my nephew killed, and probably got me and my baby killed. So, I don’t think I trust faith anymore.” She turned away, and Jonathan looked hurt, before walking off.

                       Sam stared out the window at two walkers eating something as the truck drove on. They were getting close to the highway, and they were ready to start searching for Joseph. “Okay” said Antony, as William turned a corner. “We all have to look thoroughly. We need to let this be our last time looking for Joseph. This has to be the end.” “Okay” said Gwen, as the others nodded. “We double check ever single area” said Jason. “We might be out here for a few days, but no matter what, we don’t quit. We need to end this. Then, we can go back to a normal life.”

                       Suddenly, William started to drive onto the highway, and they saw dozens of walkers on the road. “Oh no” said William, stopping the car. “What do we do?” Vivian asked. “We go through” said Terry. “We can’t get through that” said Adam. “There’s no way I’m letting my son go through that.” “We’re not going through it” said Anthony. “There’s another way.”

                       William started to back up, but dozens of other walkers started to come up from behind them. “No” said Jason. “We need to get out there.” “I know” said Anthony. “There’s only one solution then” said William. He then slammed his foot on the pedal and drove into the walkers on the highway. Several flew over the truck, several flew out of the way, and several were squished under the wheels. After a while, the car stopped in a tub of walkers. “We go out, NOW” Jason shouted.

                       He opened the door and stabbed an oncoming walker. Hannah opened the back window and got to the back of the truck. She stood up, swung her sword, and took three heads off. Gwen followed her, and shot three of them. Terry opened a door and sent his machete through a walkers skull as Adam shot three with his shotgun. William kicked one to the ground before shooting his assault rifle. Anthony stepped out and took two down with his gun, before stabbing one in the temple. Nick and Vivian jumped out and fired their guns at the walkers, but Sam stayed inside.

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