{Sneaking Out.}

Começar do início

I turned my head around grinning, “Hurry Ander or they'll catch us!”

“Be careful!” he yelled as he followed behind me. “Watch out or you'll—Thalia!” he screamed when my foot slipped from a branch and I started to fall. My arms were out to catch something but nothing did. I felt myself falling and my stomach turned. It was that same bad feeling when your sleeping and you feel like your falling.

I fell into a pair of arms though. My hand quickly grabbed onto whoever as a scream finally escaped my mouth. My eyes were squeezed tight as I leaned closer to whoever caught me. Whoever bent down and brought their hand up behind my head. That person brought my closer towards them with comfort.

“Damnit, Thalia! Don't do that again.” my dad said, rocking back and forth. “You could have broken you neck! Damnit!”

Shaking, I opened my eyes and brought my arms around him, “Daddy.” I cried out. I almost died.


When I woke up I had such a huge headache and my stomach turned. I quickly sat up and regretted it as fast as I sat up. My stomach turned and I started gagging. A arm came in view with a bucket. I grabbed it as I puked into the bucket. The same hands pulled my hair out of the way before chunks of whatever could get trapped in my messy hair.

After I was done I felt a little better but I still had a headache. My mom sat down next to me and I realized I wasn't in Rosa bed but theirs.

“What happened?” I asked her.

She sighed heavily, “Same thing that happens to all of us. You're body is slowly changing and knowing your sixteenth birthday coming. You thought you were dreaming last night when you left the house. Rosa woke us all up and we cashed after you. You were up in a tree about to eat a squirrel and refused to come down. You ate the squirrel.” she said as she moved the bucket and my looked turned to disgust. “Ander tried to get you down but you started jumping from trees to trees to get closer to the moon. You slipped and fell but your father caught you in time. You fell asleep again when we were walking back.”

Sighed heavily as I closed my eyes and brought my hand up to my hair. Slowly it all came back to my memory and I groaned, feeling ashamed of myself for losing control like that. “Why do I feel sick?” I asked.

“You're stomach still human, trying to get use to a new diet. After your first shift you're stomach will be ready for many different foods.” she said. “Right now it just feels like a bad hangover.”

“I'm never drinking then.” I said, making her chuckle. I opened my eyes and looked down at my arms where I saw dried blood. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as I turned my head away, “Ugh, this is scary!”

“I know, sweetheart.” she said. “It's always scary the first few times. I almost actually attack someone but my father stopped me in time. You just ate a squrriel.”

I looked at her with a pleading look as tears stung my eyes and quickly fell down my cheek, “I don't want this, mommy. I don't wanna wake up after turning and be bloody. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't wanna blackout and lose control—”

She took me in her arms and comforted me as best as she could, “I know, Thalia. We're here to help you.” she said as pet my hair. “We're not trying to tell you what to do but only help.” After a moment she pulled away and wiped across my face, “You understand how serious this is getting, right?” she asked and I nodded. “This is why your father and I try our best to help you and Kavan. I know it sounds like we're just nagging but we're not. I didn't listen to my parents and I had a rough start. I was so lucky when I met your father to help teach me. Don't ever run away, okay?”

Heart Of A Jaguar.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora