Chapter fifteen

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Dreams POV:

Yesterday was just a normal day. George and I did some paperwork and watched a movie after that. Today tho, today was going to be different. We decided that today we would talk to my, apparently alive, dad. I had no way to contact him but lucky for us he decided to come back home today.

We welcomed him at the entrance, making sure we were holding hands. "Dad! Good to see you! We need to talk." I said as he walked up to us with a disgusted look on his face. "Yes yes. If you two weren't wearing suits right now I would've already walked away." He said while shoving us apart and entering the building,

When we arrived at the conference room George and I took place at the right side of the table and my dad the left. "So, dad. Explain yourself. Why did you do this to me? To us?" "What do you mean by us" he said while looking anywhere but us. "Your crew. Everyone left after you 'died'." "Oh right. Well it's good they did. That ment they weren't loyal in the first place anyways."

We talked about business for half an hour until he changed the topic. "So. You are... gay.. now?" He said disappointed. "No dad. I always was and always knew. Well deep inside I knew. It was only after I met the love of my life, George, that I accepted myself." George blushed at my words which only made my dad more angry. He stood up slamming his hands on the table. "I will kill you two when you are sleeping! I only came back because of this anyways!" Wait. How did he know about us? We haven't told anyone yet. I also slammed my hands on the table and stood up. "Who the fuck told you?" "Oh my boy. You're in the mafia. In the mafia everybody talks." And with that we walked away to god knows where.

George's POV:

"No dad. I always was and always knew. Well deep inside I knew. It was only after I met the love of my live, George,..." love of my life? Am I the love of his life? How could I? We've never even said I love you yet. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Dream stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "Who the fuck told you?" Who told what? "Oh my boy. You're in the mafia. In the mafia everybody talks." His dad said before storming off. "Who told him what?" I asked. He looked confused but still answered. "My dad came back because he found out about us. The thing is that we haven't told anyone yet." "So you think there is a spy in this house?" "Yes."

Dreams POV:

I called up Bad and Sapnap for two reasons. Reason number one was to tell them about George and I before they found out from someone else. And reason number two was to plan how to find the spy and get rid of them.

Bad arrived before Sapnap. That was weird because Sapnap always was the first one here. "I'm here! I'm here!" He said while panting.    "I just had a little thing to do."   "SAPNAP? Is that a HICKEY?"  Bad yelled. Sapnap immediately went red "m-maybe. Why is all the attention on me now? We are here for a reason people."  Sapnap said to draw the attention away from him.

"Ok so we have two things to say" I started. "One of them is because we don't want you to hear from someone else."  "Ok tell us!"   "First off, there is a spy in my house. We don't know who it is or who it obeys but we will find them and kill them."  "Wait! Don't kill them! Maybe they can give information to us!" Bad yelled before I could continue. "Yes. Well ok new plan. Get information out of them. Then kill them."  "Ok I'm in" Bad and Sapnap said in sync. "What's the second thing tho?" Sapnap said with a grin.  "Well. George and I are dating." "YES!" Bad yelled. "I KNEW IT!" Sapnap said while doing a victory dance. "We wanted to tell you before the spy did or something." George said after they calmed down. "Also. My dad I alive." I said which caused everyone to go silent.

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