Chapter four

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Sorry this chapter is a short one.

George's POV:

After a couple of minutes in the cab I noticed that we weren't going the right way. I just figured the driver didn't know the way so I waited a bit until I said something.

After 10 more minutes of going the wrong way I build op the courage to speak. "Where are you going?" No response. "Hello?" Still nothing. After 5 minutes I decided to get my phone out of my pocket and call someone. But before I could the car stopped.

A small boy with fluffy blonde hair opened the door and threw me on the ground next to the car. He pulled out a gun and started yelling at me. After a while two more people came and picked me up. I was ready to run but they blindfolded me and dragged me inside a... building?

Dreams POV:

When I came home I decided to do some paperwork but something wasn't right. After I don't know how long one of my maids, Charlotte, came in. "Dinner is ready in the dining room sir." Great it's 7 pm and I still haven't done any paperwork. "Thank you, I'll be out in a minute."

While I was eating my steak a memory came back to me. The cab driver seemed familiar. Was it Karl? No I can't. Wilbur? Not the right hair. Tubbo? No too tall. Tommy? Yes! It's Tommy! Tommy was the cab driver!

I immediately grabbed my phone and looked at George's location. Earlier today in the restaurant when George went to the bathroom I put a tracker on his phone just in case.

George was at the pog mafia's house. How did they even find out about George? I immediately called my friends Sapnap and Bad. I knew there was only a small chance they would help me, but it was worth a shot. I need him back.

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