🏵Chapter Sixty-Two🏵

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The room fell silent, and we sat there for a couple of seconds, just enjoying each other's company. I got up silently, "I'm going to bed, you sleep soon too, 'kay?"

"Yeah alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night."

"Good night."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V., like a few month later

"William Gold, sign here." Wilbur signed his name to where the legal person pointed to. "(F/N) (L/N), sign here." (F/N) glared towards me, and I looked down as he signed his name, anxiety slowly building inside of me. "(Y/N) (L/N), sign here."

"Okay..." I took the pen from the man, slightly hesitant. I took a deep breath, and scribbled my signature on the paper. 

"And that's that. William, she is now your child." 

"Um... thank... you?"

"You guys can leave now, everything is done." The man stacked up the papers. We all respectively said our thanks, and got up to leave. We walked through the door to the office, through the hallway, out the lobby, and through the door. 

"Um..." Wilbur spoke first, "Nice... doing business with you..?"

"My daughter is not business." 

Wilbur looked to me, and I shrugged, "Agree that she isn't business, but she's not your kid anymore. And you never deserved to call her your daughter." 

"Well.." I spoke up, breaking the two men's argument up, "Wil, let's go."

"Okay," Wilbur started inch away from (F/N), and I followed. We slowly took steps away, before breaking into a light sprint away. We got into the car and slammed the door behind us. "I think that man would have murdered me if he got the chance."


"Let's go- let's go home like right now- and take a trippy ass route so he can't follow us-"




A few minutes later

We luckily did not have any cars following us home. Only a trailing excitment that I now had everything with me in my new living situation, and...

"Hello chat! We're back!" I smiled as the chat flooded with more messages I could have ever wished for. "Whoa... it has been two minutes and we're on 100,00K?!" I tried to read the chat as fast as I could, "Yeah I'm alright, better than I have ever been!" I laughed softly, "I guess I owe y'all an explanation, huh." I fiddled with my thumb, "Trigger warning ahead, by the way." I breathed in, and exhaled with a sigh, "Okay so I'm gonna rapid fire this. So first my mom died, then I was moved to my dad's in Brighton, but he turned to be a alcoholic manipulater, that prevented me to talk to my friends outside of streams and denied my food, and Tubbo got all Dadbo and said no and just dropped me off at Wilbur's house where I have been living for the past two months without my PC, so shit has been chaotic, but good news," I snapped my fingers, "I am now under Wil's custody, so the Dadbur thing is..." I clapped, "Canon." I paused for a moment, reading chat. "Y'all want to see Wil? I'll give you Wi- WIL!"



"HELLO CHAT!" Wilbur screamed, busting into my room behind me. 

"There he is."


"Oh- there he goes." I laughed, "anyways, let's see what has been going on in the Dream SMP when I was gone! I'm almost completely out of the plot for this arc, so I will be returning to roleplay in the next arc!" 

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