🌺Chapter Fourty-Eight🌺

710 44 165

Word Count: 1682

If y'all don't like angst, I'm sorry for the next arc or two.

And the next day went the same.

But when Wednesday came...

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I stared at the bag in my hand, as Tommy put yet another box in the car trunk, before slamming the trunk door down. I jumped at the sudden noise. "Sorry..." He muttered.

"No prob', it's okay." I mumbled back.

We got into the car, and he stepped onto the pedal, and we drove off to Brighton. Mother and Fatherinnit went to work earlier, and we decided to leave after lunch, and arrive at about 4pm.

He looked to me, then quickly back to the road. "You want the AUX cord?"

I hummed, and he passed me the cord, and I plugged my phone in.

"You okay?" Tommy asked, "You're usually more talkative."

"Well- when am I ever okay." I rolled my eyes.

"..." He stayed quiet for a moment. "Well okay, but you weren't even this untalkative when you first arrived at my house in the rain."

I sighed, "I don't want to leave here." I rested my elbow on the ledge between the door and the window, resting my cheek in my hand.

"... You can come back in six months, and you got enrolled into Tubbo's school, so you two can meet up after school everyday."

"Hm..." I hummed.

"And Wilbur's there too, along with George."

I hummed again.

"And we can call, like half a year ago, where we've never met in real life, and we called every night right after the first 'dream' and after the last 'dream too, to try to ward off the trauma."

I nodded.

"Remember when we just got out of the last 'dream', and you immediately called me?" he turned onto the highway, and I watched as the town grew smaller.


"Anything happens to you, I'd be a call or a text away." He said seriously. "And I'd try to get to you as fast as possible, and I'd call Wilbur too, and Tubbo, and George."

I wiped a tear fairly quickly as it formed.

"Wait no no no miss girl please don't cry- you'll make me cry-"

"I'm sorry-"

"Be sorry one more time and I'll smack you into the stratosphere."

"I-" I sunk into the seat, "I'm just so fucking grateful for you. And I love you guys so much- and the fact that my mom- the fact that she's gone just got to me- and I'm on my own now-" I sobbed into my sleeve, "I'm sorry-"

"That's it- time to slap you into space." He joked, and I laughed. "That we go, there's the (Y/N) I know." He smiled, and I looked to him, his eyes on the road. "All jokes aside, you're not on your own." He looked to me for a brief moment.

"You've got the entire SMP."

A three and a half hour drive later

"Is this it?" Tommy asked me as we pulled up to a building.

"Yeah..." I inhaled sharply, this was it.

"Mmm... okay let's go." He looked to me as we pulled into a parking spot.

A Friend From Another Life || Accidental TommyInnit x Reader || CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now