Chapter 31: Bonds that Break II

Start from the beginning

        But before you could react in utter embarrassment, without notice, your head clouds in a hazy fog. Blinking heavily, as if every eye lash weighs more than it should and gravity has been turned up ten fold. The slightest movement suddenly too quick. A curtain of heat embraced you, from brow to toes. As if someone was pulling on an invisible corset, your breaths grew shorter.

        "You alright?" Peter asks, concerned, examining your face as he places a hand on your shoulder. Welcoming the support, you couldn't help but lean on it. "You're suddenly looking a little out of sorts."

        Slowly and carefully, you nod your head in response, not wanting to draw immediate attention from the others. You tried to swallow, but your mouth had quickly gone dry like stale cake once again, and you couldn't drink with an empty cup in front of you. 

        With unexpected heavy effort, you stand up from your seat. "I think I'll go lie down and get some shut eye."

        When Sirius and Remus stop mid-conversation to flash you a worried glance, you immediately give them a dismissive wave before their motherly instincts kick in. Even James leaned forward on his elbows, unable to hide his concern despite your earlier argument.

        As much steadiness in your voice you can muster, you try to pacify their growing concern. "I'm fine, just tired. It's been a hectic few weeks, the exhaustion probably caught up to me."

        Remus starts to stand. "Are you sure? I could—"

        You force a smile. "Stop worrying, I think I can handle the way back to the dorms on my own."

        Before they could get another word in, you make your way across the Great Hall and out the double doors.

        As you slowly walked through the empty corridors, you neared the Gryffindor Tower. Each sound of your own footfalls reverberated back into your ears, pounding its way up to the crown of your head. You couldn't think straight, find your bearings, or even fathom what was happening to you.

        You swayed as the world tilted until you needed to lean on the wall beside you for support. The Grand Staircase was only another corridor away. And as you fought to catch your breath, with your other hand, you pushed against the cold stone wall to help you up and stumbled on.

        And then you bend over, clutching one hand to your temple. It was all too much. The burning sensation of your hair clinging to the back of your damp neck. You were going to be sick, going to faint.

        Maybe you shouldn't have eaten all the mince pie the other night as a cause for celebration, maybe this was karma for assuming James had an ulterior motive for helping you, maybe you should've taken up on Remus' offer to accompany you back to the dorms. Maybe—

        Your train of thought quickly comes to an abrupt halt when you feel the warmth of a large body at your back and a hand clasped over your mouth.

        "Hey! Wha—" You gasp, barely finishing your sentence before you're shoved inside a cramped room along with your captor.

        You struggled against their grip, hearing the door shut behind you until you're pushed back against a wall. Trapped in the dark. In your peripheral, it was hard to make out the details of the broom cupboard with the only light source being the dim light seeping through the door's edges, but after a while you could discern the features of the room. It was the same as it ever was, old storage supplies, abandoned and dusty.

        Through the faint light, you catch the familiar long dark hair, his prominent nose and sharp features.

        "Severus?" You mumble weakly through his fingers.

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