"Okay. I'll take it" Mina replied and went to the book shelves containing some document records and lists of students' names.

Tzuyu sat on the chair in front of Mina's desk while waiting.

Mina got the list of names from their batch and went back to her desk.

"Here" Mina handed her the papers and Tzuyu gladly took them. "You can return that to me on Monday"

"Thanks, I'm leaving now" Before Tzuyu could stand up, Mina was hesitant if she would tell Tzuyu what happened to her yesterday and this morning while going to school.

"Uhmm Tzuyu" Mina starts while fidgeting her fingers.

Tzuyu looked at her and noticed that her best friend looked uneasy and wanted to tell her something.

"What is it Minari?" Tzuyu said softly.

"Yesterday, When I'm walking back home from school, I felt like someone was watching me and also this morning." Mina explained and she was obviously uneasy.

Tzuyu stared at her and hoped this wasn't what she was thinking. Tzuyu held Mina's hands.

"Did something bad happen to you?" Tzuyu asked worriedly.

"Nothing. I don't know if it's just my feeling or there's really someone watching me" Mina continued.

Tzuyu sighed, she was relieved that nothing bad had happened to Mina but she was sure there is someone observing Mina to get some information because she was the President of the student council and knows some student background.

"i will send you home later, okay?" Tzuyu ordered and patted Mina's head and smiled at her.

"No need Tzuyu, it's just my speculations and beside---"

"I insists, so just let me" Tzuyu interrupted Mina's word "Let's have lunch together, it's past twelve already and you're still working here, president" Tzuyu said with a smile on her face.

"It's weird when you are the one who's callinh me 'President'" Mina said and got up from her chair.

"It's suits you" Tzuyu said and sligthly messed Mina's hair.

"Whatever Tzu, let's go" Mina clung to Tzuyu's arm and they both left the office and went to the cafeteria to eat lunch together.

Tzuyu is still worried, knowing that things she really doesn't want to happen are already starting and she needs to double her safety and the people closed to her.



Sana, Momo, Jihyo, Nayeon and Bangchan are now in the cafeteria eating their lunch together.

Momo asked Bangchan to join her because her friends were busy at the theater club and she was left alone.

"It's been a long time since the last time I joined you guys at lunch" Bangchan said.

"You can join us anytime if you're just not busy with basketball" Nayeon told her cousin.

"Yeah, I'm a little busy because I'm the captain" Bangchan scratched his nape because he felt embarrassed.

"You seem to be popular with girls" Jihyo commented making Bangchan smile widely.

"Not reallyl" he replied humbly.

"Ohhh i don't believe you, is there someone you like from your fangirls?" Sana teased Bangchan.

Bangchan was surprised at what Sana's question that made him even more embarrassed.

"I like someone" Bangchan said and looked at Sana then smiled.

"I'm curious who's that lucky girl" Momo said.

"It was a secret" Bangchan put his index finger to his lips and showed the 'shh' sign to the girls that made them laughed because of how playful the guy was.

While Sana was having fun with her group of friends her eyes caught Tzuyu who had just arrived at the cafeteria. She saw Tzuyu and Mina together and her eyes landed on Mina's arm clinging to Tzuyu.

Her smile dropped and her friends noticed that she was looking at someone and they found out that she was looking in the direction of Mina and Tzuyu.

"Jealous?" Jihyo asked Sana.

Sana decided not to look anymore at Mina and Tzuyu.

"Ofcourse not, why would I?" Sana fakely smiled and resumed her meal.

Her friends looked at each other while Bangchan was clueless.

'Jealous? I have no right to be jealous'

quick update for chapter 15-18

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