I nodded my head thoughtfully at his words.

"Anyway, back to the story." Salvatore sighed. "We gave Alicia a warning through call, and by the time we got there, two died by Alicia's blade while another three were badly injured. Salvestro and I killed all of the men, leaving behind the people who seemed to be the leaders of the group."

"What about Rosy?" I questioned immediately. "She didn't...See any of that, right?"

Salvatore shook his head, an affronted look on his face. "Of course not! I could never ruin a child's childhood like that. Rosy wasn't even there. She was hiding upstairs in one of the safe rooms I told Alicia about when I first situated her in the house in case of emergencies."

"Safe room?" I repeated dumbly.

"It's a hidden room." Salvino explained for him, turning to him. "All of our houses have at least one safe room. Just in case, y'know? For emergencies." he added.

I nodded my head slowly. "Okay."

"After we came back home last night, Sandeo and I had a lovely chat with our two amazing guests." Salvatore continued, not even wincing at the terms he used.

Lovely? Amazing? Guests?

Those didn't sound right.

"We found out that they were actually hired by this guy named Darius. We also found out that the person sending those messages was Elena, and that the person sending in the notes, was Darius."

I was speechless, to say the least.

"Is Elena preparing for an attack or something?" I asked rapidly.

"No," Salvatore responded with a small shake of his head. "I did some heavy digging. It's only Elena and Darius."

"Who's Darius?"

"No idea."

"Could it be her brother?" Santino chirped.

"No," Salvatore replied. "I didn't think I would have to tell you this, but Elena's family died during the battle. Thankfully, the only people left alive from the Irish and Spanish Mafias were Elena and Darius. Darius is actually her older step-brother, and a technology genius."

I should've been terrified by this new information, but I was surprisingly calm. I guess when it happens often, you just get used to it.

"Were you able to track them down?" Santino asked.

Salvatore dipped his head. "Yes. I am taking a short trip to Colombia soon. I don't trust anyone else but me to do the job."

My eyes widened with every second he spoke. "Wait, what?"

"What do you mean, 'what'?" Salvatore cocked his head to the side.

"You're just going to kill them?" I said, aghast.

Santino stared at me as if I were stupid. "Yes, why else would he go there? To play hide-and-seek?"

"But they are lives!" I protested.

Salvatore sighed, eyes hardening. "I don't expect you to understand any time soon, Amara, and it's fine. Think what you want of me. Let me finish, and I have to start packing."

I didn't answer him, instead just stared.

"Yes, so after our lovely chat with the guests, we found out that they were the only two people behind this. I don't know how they managed to pull this off, but I am quite impressed with their ability to think things through."

"I don't know if you're supposed to be praising them, Salvatore." Salvino drawled.

He shrugged. "It's okay. I'm just commending them for their fast thinking abilities. They were able to plant bugs into our house without them being detected, and either Elena or Darius has a quick mind. The moment they realized they were outed, they sent men towards Alicia's house to eliminate her to get to me. It's one of the best attempts at my empire I've ever seen."

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